Who else here agrees that the [b]Stormcaller[/b] Subclass needs a buff? it does [i]nothing[/i] against [b]Majors[/b] and [b]Ultras[/b] unless they're weekend to near death by other fire team members.
Overshield and a slight increase to toughness. That's all the storm caller really needs because honestly, it's not supposed to melt majors and ultras. It's meant to take out basically everything but majors and ultras which is fine. But when regular enemies melt through you in a super like that where you are flying about barely able to get in cover, that's a bigger problem than the damage. It almost makes the landfall perk useless because if you are close enough to use that perk fully, then chances are you with get melted one way or another 50% of the time.