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1/1/2015 8:54:41 AM

Make Levels Actually Matter.......

1: Not sure about guardian level issues


2: Like high guardian lvl being scaled to low lvl


3: Believe levels should mean something


I have not really been bothered to much with this issue. There are many times I see its issues which are nearly always. A level 8 vandal should fall to his knees and bow before a level 30 plus guardian and kill him self in the process. Some resistance should be seen when a level 24 is fighting a level 26 plus monster. Which it does sort of. Know when a Level 30 is in a Summoning Pits level 26 strike it should not take me 6 arc fusion rounds, 120 vision of confluence rounds to drop him (with epic). This is both leveled up gun or not. I can not think of a single MMO or RPG game where a higher level guy was just as good if not worse than the level monster it is fighting. This includes Diablo, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Flyff, Guildwars, Repelz, Final Fantasy 7, Nintendo Dragon Warrior, and need I list any more? These are the ones I can remember. I somewhat defend you guys sort of, at least in places you are doing things right and this is not very often. We already know the game is hacked to pieces and we are really playing the beta still. This should be a simple fix. I hope anyway, so should the portal issues and events in the VoG raid. Hint that issue can be solved by actually using simple if then coding in the scripted fights. If x happens they y, simple stuff. This issue of level not really mattering nor your defense numbers baffles me. How can you mess this up?

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  • Necro bump. TTK has made this even worse. The level scaling makes ZERO sense. I can one shot level 40 Knights doing rediculous damage but a level 9 takes two shots dealing like 80 damage? Get it together.

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