-blam!- you guys hunters have had the worst pvp classes so far putting everything into context, Golden gun requires a tad bit of skill and it's not that hard to take out a blade dancerbif you're not alone, plus grenades and melees are just completely awful, I don't know how many times I've put a tripmine or lightning grenade right in front of someone and then not die and then I get punched once and I'm out or I get killed by a tracking grenade. The hammer is op as hell because you can spam the hell out of it no question. Hunters once again got dicked with the new subclasses so eat a dick you non hunters lol jk but seriously
You're kidding right... blade dancer has a perk that regent health on kills plus blink makes it basically invincible. The golden gun is a 1 hit kill if you can't get kills with it you're bad
Blink is for pussies afraid to fight on the frontlines.