So I don't play Crucible often because the weapon pool is cancer, and the map sizes are abysmal, but when I used to play a lot in the Beta, and shortly after, the ONLY map I truly enjoyed 100% was First Light. It's the huge one on The Moon, with vehicles and real sniper sightlines. I haven't seen it in months. Does anyone know if they removed it from the game, or does it just never show up anymore because there is 1 large map and 72 puny 2v2 ones? I'm really upset to see my favorite map just vanish. Thanks guys.
Yeah I loved that one back before they took it out of the original rotation.
It shows up on occasion. I quit it instantly, it's garbage
yes it is in legacy 6v6 and control rotation
Speaking of maps, is the thieves den still in the playlist?
It was in the 'combined arms' playlist. I recently played the legacy 6v6 playlist and got the skyshock map which was originally in combined arms, too. So i suppose first light might be available in the legacy 6v6
I just played control on it the other day lol
Skyshock is another big one I really enjoy. It lets the TRUTH shine big time :)
Played it last week in control