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9/21/2015 6:28:10 PM

Bungie is ungrateful and doesn't care about you.

Bungie doesn't care because you originally supported them in buying their game; half of the content you already have been busy using is now gone and locked away until you buy another dlc which will unlock what you originally payed for. Seems stupid to me...

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  • Edited by SergeantDoc: 9/22/2015 3:21:54 PM
    [b]Newsflash[/b]: The Nightfall Strike [i]is not[/i] content. It is an activity that [i]requires[/i] content. You don't have the content, you can't do the activity. It's literally like any real world activity. Do you want to play new video games? Yes? Then buy the new console. It's an easy concept and I'm sure you'll figure it out, champ. Other MMOS have done (and will continue to do) the same. No one cares if [b]you[/b] think it's an MMO or not. It's an FPS with enough MMO elements to put it in the ballpark.

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    20 Replies
    • This is how it went: *Bungie, Sony, Microsoft sitting all in a table, discussing Destiny (Pre-2013)* Bungie: We've did it! It took many years, but bygone, we've made the best, MMORPGFPS-whatever the hell on the market! Xbox: Then will you make us another Halo? c: Bungie: No. Xbox: B-B-But...Bungiepai...343i can't give as much you do... Bungie: I said no! *Bungie backhands Xbox across the face, Xbox cowers in corner* *Sony snickering* Bungie: As I was saying, Destiny will be the most content filled game on the mar- *Activision kicks down door* Activision: IM2MLG4YOUSKRUBS. *activision pulls out DLC Scissors* Bungie: NO! NOT LIKE COD! WE CAN MAKE A GREAT GAME! WE DONT NEED TO MILK THE WALLETS! *Activision pushes Bungie to floor and starts cutting up Destiny into DLCs* *Bungie crying on floor, Xbox reaches over but is kicked away by Sony* *Sony gets on Bungie* Sony: *into Bungie's ear* Now listen here, you're going to be my bitch from now're going to be my prize bitch. All the exclusives for us... *Sony licks Bungie's ear while Bungie cries* *Xbox is huddled in corner, terrified while Activision cuts up Destiny*

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    • You have your content. Old strikes two raids and PoE. That what you paid for. The end game content is new from TTK and you didnt pay for therefore you dont have it. You got your regular PvP play list with old maps like you paid for. Nightfall, weekly and heroic are end game that is above your light lvl so you wont be able to do it anyway. Keep complaining hopefully nothing will change. Just like #saveyearone people will forget and keep playing.

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    • You have your content. Old strikes two raids and PoE. That what you paid for. The end game content is new from TTK and you didnt pay for therefore you dont have it. You got your regular PvP play list with old maps like you paid for. Nightfall, weekly and heroic are end game that is above your light lvl so you wont be able to do it anyway. Keep complaining hopefully nothing will change. Just like #saveyearone people will forget and keep playing.

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    • It is stupid. Check this out...

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      1 Reply
      • I don't agree with your post, buy the dlc. You're all whiners from my experience, just the first sentence alone will have people tossing me insults because I don't agree with them, as if I'm supposed to agree with you. You're worse than bungie for that, call me a sheep, whatever. See how much support you get when you attack people who could stand with you.

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        5 Replies
        • Tell us something we didn't already know.

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        • Edited by Briar, Acolyte of Nezarec: 9/23/2015 9:43:28 PM
          Its like if you buy call of duty every year. $70 for the game and $15 for each dlc or $50 for seasons pass. A regular call of duty with all dlc is about $130 destiny for year one was $110. The taken king is basically game 2 for destiny. So stop complaining and if you play cod and still complain your hopeless. It's basically like buying a new game [spoiler]i hope i got it all correct.[/spoiler]

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          3 Replies
          • It's Endgame that gets moved up as the game progresses. Do some people play Destiny with the intent to not get TTK at some point? Just keep doing the same stuff?

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          • This video

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          • I hear they molest children and skin dogs and cats alive right at their office too.

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            • Bump!

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            • Bump!

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            • Bump.

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            • Here you go, enjoy.

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            • That isn't breaking news.

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            • Bump

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            • Bump

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            • Edited by Kweh: 9/22/2015 7:25:13 PM
              They definitely are not the Bungie we all know and love. Saw that coming when they signed with Activision. Bungie used to go way out of their way to care, a company of gamers. Not anymore. They are just another incorporation of Activision. Hell, then even laugh at people who thought they had a 10 year plan for this game. Think the word they used was "comical". Amazing people defend them.

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              4 Replies
              • its not only stupid but unjust as well.

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              • "Destiny....become mediocre!" "Destiny, because 50 mil a year just isn't enough!"

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                1 Reply
                • Bungie does not care about you(true). Bungie is ungrateful is not. You have a business relationship with them. You buy the product they give you a game. That's it. They don't need to be grateful and you shouldn't expect them to care for your hardships. -blam!- DiMaggio!! He doesn't pay your bills!!

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                • The game is complete garbage now.

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                • Guess they feel like they have to force us to stay on the hamster wheel.

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                  • This too...

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                  • TTK: Year two. Destiny: Year one. No seriously. Year one. When they said they were leaving year one behind, they were serious. Kinda like moving. Your eventually also going to be locked out of VOG, CE, and PoE. Along with IB and ToO. They will all eventually come to year two. TTK is your key to year two. You need to buy that key. So it kinda sucks. Not like I'm complaining. I love destiny and TTK is the best thing that happened to destiny IMO. Don't judge me, it's fun.

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