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9/20/2015 12:45:43 PM
My friend, if this is serious then you are a prime example of what is wrong with the world today. Your priorities are screwed so much. This is a video game, not life itself. Entertainment that is a want, not a necessity. If the money spent here was that detrimental to you. Then why would you invest in a childish hobby? Is this a case if entitlement? That's self explanatory. But you have to wonder, how many other avenues you've also complained about and filed a report on. With your bright theory of taken content. What exactly is your plan for when the servers are shut down on this net base game approaching the dawn of destiny 2? Many of us will "lose" content. More will further invest both their time and money on the sequel. Those who don't will have to find other avenues. Are you doing to file a complaint that they have shut down the servers and you cannot access any of it again? Maturity and the value of life escapes you, or has yet to blossom.

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  • Bump

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  • He has a valid point as owner of the original game.

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  • Correction: he owns a license to use the content that is provided to him. He does not own the game. Why are people so confused by this? He doesn't own the game.

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  • Nah, each of us own a copy of the game. License-schmicense....

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  • People like you are why Bungie is so successful.

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  • I have been adult and mature about my consumer complaint. Maybe next time you complain about an injustice at work, you should stop and realize that it is the same thing. That's assuming you even have a job.

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  • I can see your trying to insult to make up for shortcomings, a mature approach right? However, not going to argue or debate with you. Good luck on life , and this venture complaint you are pursuing.

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  • I meant no insult at all. Just anyone who has a job or career should understand what it means to have been taken advantage of or screwed over. As employees, we have rights, and should not be afraid to protect those rights. The same sort of right apply to us as consumers. Sorry if it came off as an insult.

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  • To define life to another individual and then to poke fun with your own view on it is the silliest thing a person can do. Don't define another's life with your own.

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  • We got a winner. I worked in customer service for a long time. I had to respond to BBB and other complaints from similar avenues. Ppl complain over everything. EVERYTHING. No one is ever happy. The complain over the smallest of things that has zero consequence on an outcome. It's incredible. I literally lost my faith in humanity working in that field. I hate ppl. When I read this post I just shook my head. This society is entitled, sensitive, and opportunistic. A dangerous blend. Companies and corporations are what they are because of us. Because we sue for this complain about that. They made red tape for protection and now they have built walls around them. And we sit and say they have too much power over us. Well look in the mirror. It's sad. We are a poison. And while I don't mean everyone the majority is. And after reading this you're right man. We need to gains some damn perspective.

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  • Edited by DC_Rich: 9/21/2015 4:08:25 AM
    I'm not complaining about nothing here. Is there anyone here, regardless of any sort of agreement, that would say that what they did is 100% fair and just? If you find what they did to be morally right, then explain how. Also, I worked in customer service for about 8 years in the past, so I know that side of things. I too understand how people can be ridiculous. However, unless the customer is actually wrong, the customer is right, and you should accommodate. Either that, or you lose customers, plain and simple. I treated all my customers with the respect and dignity they deserved, and it kept the businesses I worked with afloat. Not only do businesses need protection, but so do customers. We are given that protection through laws and acts, all of which people only got by complaining and fighting for. Also, due to how I treated my customers, not once did I ever have to deal with a BBB complaint. You treat your customers right, and you generally don't hear about it. Treat them wrong, and you will hear more.

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