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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/19/2015 6:48:56 AM

Was TTK worth the hype ?

Hell yeah it was totally worth the hype, its awesome!


Not worth it at all, sorry not sorry.


I don't care, I just play.


Hey there forums peoples. I have a simple question for you all, do you think that this new DLC was worth all of the hype it received previous to release ? I've not been playing destiny for as long as most have, in fact i started around the time of House of Wolves. But i have thrown my money at the screen for many a thing for this game. I love Destiny, although there are times i curse it and scream to the heavens pleading RNGesus to throw me a bone, i do love it. But, with the release of TTK many of this games followers have went their separate ways. People have left for all sorts of reasons, whether it be prices, in game nerfs/buffs, or even that they just got bored. People have left, but just as many people are coming in anew. The Taken King had received RIDICULOUS amounts of hype drawing people in from near and far, and I'm hear to voice my opinion on whether or not i think that the hype was really worth what we got. Now just incase i get extremely critical or tickle some soft spots *wink wink* I want to say that I have enjoyed most of TTK and have accomplished quite a bit in the time it has been out so far. I cracked out on energy and protein from dusk to dawn pillaging the Dreadnaught. But, here's the rub. Im at light feel 296. From what I can see, the highest we can reach is in the 300's more than likely 310. So, check off decently high light level. Ive also collected a good number of the new exotics including the more evolved versions of our old favorites(or not so favorites to some). I completed a majority of the raid and am more than likely going to do Trials when it is out. So, the big question, what do i do after that ? What other content is there ? Is all that hype worth a week or two of gametime ? There could be more I'm missing, scratch that theres bound to be. But even so TTK does seem smaller than all the hype made it out to be. What do you people of the forums think ? Id like to know (: Thank you for your time. PS; one other thing id like to touch on, whats going on with that whole "exclusive" item(s) for the people who bought the entire game and DLCS new and old all over again ? It was lightly mentioned in some patch notes or something with the words "Be excited." attached and guess what, I'm excited. But also confused, anxious and curious . Ive yet to hear anything new but if you know something i don't let me know ! Thanks guys c:

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