I've realized the problem with the TTK being unavailable for purchase.
I bought the 1st expansion on my main account, but the second I bought it in my little brothers account by mistake. We use the same Xbox and it didn't seem to be a problem with last DLCs. But I realized that the TTK can be purchased on my brothers account and not my main. I went to gamestop to buy a code for the TTK and they said they had it, but sadly I got to buy in-game money to buy in on the marketplace. I have the money waiting on my account and the sad part is that I can only buy in on my lil bro's account.
Today I saw in the xbox home an add of TTK thinking that it will now be available... Bungie is advertising the Legendary and Collectors, but no standalone.
Bungie, is there a way for me to purchase TTK with my predicament? I've seen every post so far that have the same problem and the way I see it are just faithful fans that only want to have fun with your product.
I know you guys are not going to let us down. #Help
Same problem happened to me, waiting early in the morning to get it on day 1. If I were you I wouldn't put to much faith in Bungie because originally they wanted to just sell Legendary and Collectors and no standalone, and if you check the store now the standalone is no longer on there, so yeah once again Bungie screws up no surprise there.