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9/18/2015 8:44:16 PM
This is a video game, you are not Mortgaging a home here , you do not go to Gamestop and get taken into to a private room with bankers and lawyers and have to read through , initialize, and sign 10 pages of legal documents Yes you sign the EULA you initial time playing the game , in the Past the Eula was just there as a legal means for the company to protect itself from a lawsuit, its only in the last 10 years in MMO (type) games has the Eula been brought up repeatedly to brow beat players into shutting up over any opinions they have on the developers decisions . When is the last time you heard " man I am excited for these 10 new games coming out, but I need to read each and every legal document on them before I even think of purchasing them " ? Oh right,,, chances anyone has ever said or heard those word about buying a Video "Game" in the last 20 yers = ZERO

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