So i bought three of the sets of 5 coins that give an exotic engram a chance to drop. The description on the item clearly says they stack, which generally would mean you can put more than one on yourself at a time to increase the percentage. The description is horribly misleading. I'm sure it's not on purpose, but the description the item has never states that their PERCENTAGE stacks when you don't get the item. It just says they stack. So here I am, with 15 coins wasted on one boss and nothing to show for it.
I'm not asking for the coins back((although that would be really nice, i used all of my strange coins up buying them)), I'd just like to see clarification on the item use, so someone else doesn't do the same thing that I do. Maybe stop a second coin use when the buff from another is currently on your character.
Relying on the info you post on the internet to get to people playing the game is illogical. So saying, "just google it", becomes redundant after googling the thousands of items they already have. I trusted the description and lost, no one else should go through that.
It increases your chance when you don't get a drop and do multiple strikes in a the weekly update