When you have to resort to bringing up Legal documents(EULA) as a defense in a Video "Game" , you lose by default .
It's just as bad as correcting someones spelling when you have nothing else to stand on.
Destiny's unscrupulous tactics to try and get their players to buy their DLC's by removing their ability to enjoy the old content they paid for, Is Dirty, no matter what pretty dress you try and fancy it up in.
You don't "lose". Stop trying to reinforce your argument with BS, this isn't Godswin's law. You paid for a license to a game that is either digital or on a physical disc. You do not own digital content. If you bought it digital you own the plastic disc but not the data on it. Even a lawyer will tell you this is a grey area badly defined by law since it was never judged in a court. But they'll tell you for sure "buying a game gives you acces to a license to play until termination by the owners or for any breach of the license. They will drop the whole -blam!-ing game next year for Destiny 2 and nothing could be done, what will you do then when you just can't play at all?