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9/18/2015 11:11:09 AM
How I love the "informed" people, who know nothing but half truths. Yes. It is a limited use licence. This licence you purchase lasts for the limitation of your mortal life. Apple don't charge you multiple times every 3 or so months to "renew" your licence, or charge you multiple times for the purchase of a track. That is the LIMITED in this sense. Life limited right. Said license covers IP and data. It does not cover a physical object. Physical objects purchased are the owners possession untill they decide to sell it on, recycle it, donate it or scrap it. A game disc exchanged for cash is a physical object. The game disc has tdb and how on, hidden behind paywalls. This is fact. Ultimately, the limited license does not apply to vanilla destiny, the dark below or house of wolves.this is property purchased by an individual. Bungie received money for it - the only thing they cam maintain ownership of in this sense, is any ideas that said disc inspires e.g. Fan fiction, fan art. Too many people are saying that destiny is a subscription service, and trying to defend it that way. This is not the case. A subscription service is open, honest and upfront about its intent to take regular, often monthly payments to continue to use. You will have signed a form with your personal details, preferred payment method etc. This is ENTERING A CONTRACT with said sub service. You will have had a copy. What's that? You don't have a copy? Than destiny is not a sub service. You did not have to fill out paperwork before you made your FIRST sub payment. The guy above is just a fanboy. Defending his lady, his love of life. Sad really. I mean, the only way for him to be correct on what he says, is that law over the world was drastically changed just for ttk's release. And than constantly changed back, because everytime I look, its still the same that I practice on a daily basis.

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