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9/18/2015 8:54:57 AM
[quote]EDIT 1: I seem to be getting a lot of similar replies, usually directed at claiming Destiny is not a "subscription" service and that we the players "own" the game. I'm sorry boys and girls, we do not own anything. We paid for a liscence to access Destiny's content; content which is subject to change or even be removed for those who don't update their liscence. This was all outlined in the EULA you blindly accepted a year ago.[/quote] Yeah but it wasn't sold on this basis. In something like GTA V did you find that after owning it for a year or two if you go back you find that now you cannot access Sandy Shores any more and you now can only drive motorbikes because you aren't allowed to access the cars any more? I have TTK and I'm loving it but it still violates a principle that you don't deny existing stuff to non upgrading users in order to force them to pay.

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