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9/17/2015 8:27:01 PM
This is a very, very poor analogy. If Bungie wants to make it subscription-based, hey, I'm all for it. I'll pay it. That said, locking content that was previously accessible so you have to buy yet another expansion is just bad business. You die-hard fanboys can gripe all you want in response to complaints, but it's not going to change a damn thing. Like someone further down the thread stated, "It's like saying you can't watch the season finale of House of Cards season 1 until you purchase season 2." I'd say that about covers it. I bought the TTK for my Xbox One, but didn't for my 360. There's a plethora of cut content. Bungie beating around the bush to access funds to keep game servers running isn't helping their cause one bit. I'll have to admit I'm enjoying the new DLC, but that said, finally getting my hands on Year One exotics that are now useless until they're possibly included in another expansion was also a bad approach. I've been around in the video game scene all the way back from the Atari 2600 days until now. All I see are companies using a veil of good PR to promote content lacking in effort and creativity, generally re-skinning old content (Call of Duty, I'm talking to you). This is very evident in the first two expansions of Destiny. Granted, TTK is a huge step above what was a "pay to play and fix our mistakes" beta, but it's still no excuse to lock access to Destiny's most fun and appealing content to players who aren't or haven't yet bought TTK. Try again.

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