Sorry but if you read the EULA instead of blindly accepting it, you'd see it is a subscription. We paid for a liscence to access the content that is Destiny. We don't actually OWN anything. This content is subject to change at the discretion of Bungie and Activision, and can even be removed entirely.
Who actually reads those things! I didn't until the TTK came out because everyone was talking about being locked out of content. It may be in the fine print but it is still a bad business practice. I don't want to trust a company that sneaks things past me in the fine print.
I know that. The difference is advertising. When you go to or Spotify or any other subscription based service, do they not advertise a price per month for usage? When you go to Gamestop or Best Buy or an online store does Destiny advertise a fee per month? You can defend bad business all you like but if any other subscription based service tried this, they'd be facing the same type of backlash. That's why they should just move to a monthly sub fee.