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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by X DeHaan Solo X: 9/18/2015 10:07:43 AM

I Stopped Paying for Netflix and Now I Can't Watch Movies, RIPOFF!

So I've paid for Netflix for an entire year! I've invested so much time into Orange is the New Black and House of Cards, I even grinded every episode of Friends last month! Now, I log in today and all of it is gone! I can't even watch movies that I have been able to watch for a full year! I don't get it. I've been a loyal customer for a year, and just because I stopped paying, I get locked out of content. Well I wont be giving them my business anymore, scammers.[spoiler]Do you get it now?[/spoiler] EDIT 1: I seem to be getting a lot of similar replies, usually directed at claiming Destiny is not a "subscription" service and that we the players "own" the game. I'm sorry boys and girls, we do not own anything. We paid for a liscence to access Destiny's content; content which is subject to change or even be removed for those who don't update their liscence. This was all outlined in the EULA you blindly accepted a year ago. EDIT 2: "LIMITED USE LICENSE: Bungie grants you the non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable, limited right and license to install and use one copy of this Program solely for your non-commercial use. All rights not specifically granted are reserved by Bungie. The Program is licensed, not sold, for your use. Your license confers no title or ownership in this Program, and should not be construed as a sale of any rights in this Program." EDIT 3: Jesus this is still going, this is fantastic. It looks like the verdict is roughly about 50/50 on people agreeing with me, or calling me some derivative of the word retard. To each their own I guess. I'd hope you guys get this worked up when Norton Antivirus tries to charge you for updates, and then removes features when you don't pay. Because, you know, you bought a disk, so you're clearly entitled.

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  • This eula claise is in every piece of digital content in the world. This is why you buy physical copies pf things.

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    • 9/10 forum posters have never taken a business class or have any clue about licensing or the purchase of virtual server space. I applaud the effort, but judging by replies, most cannot understand.

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      9 Replies
      • Nobody's arguing the legality of it, they're arguing the morality of it.

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        • Hahaha shit is hilarious, thanks bro

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        • You derivative of the word retard!!! This is brilliant! #nerflogictooop

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        • Nobody is saying they want the new stuff, they want the old stuff that they could play before. Take for instance if someone buy the vanilla destiny without the dlc. What will they be able to play... Its more like you buy a car and after a year they offer you better seats but you decline, and then they say okey its fine to decline but because of it we will take two seats from you current car,.

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          • Your analogy is off but I can see where you're coming from. No we don't own Netflix or Norton just like we don't own Destiny we own the right to use the program. However Destiny, unlike Norton or Netflix, is not a subscription simply because(I'm not entirely sure if I'm right feel free to correct/ tell me I'm wrong here) legally Bungie/Activision would have to make you aware that it's a paid subscription. I commented on a post similar to "locked content" and I too was confused and angry that such a thing could happen but I did some research around other forums/comments and obviously the content left on Vanilla Destiny and that research led me to the conclusion that we did[i]not[/i] lose content they condensed them into playlists because of the reduced population and they needed to make sure those players aren't waiting a long time matchmaking I can understand that. We can't do Daily heroics, Weekly heroics and Nightfall's due to the increased level cap that happened with TDB/HOW except if you had the content you could play, ttk has removed this. Trials and Iron Banner are removed thanks to level advantages as well although I was under the impression that Trials was HOW content. They removed year 1 legendaries from the loot table and Vendors which they did with the previous dlc/expansions it's always happened. The difference this time is it's not the same it's on a bigger scale and it's the only time where the Daily/Weekly/Nightfall/IB/Trials cannot be accessed even IF you have that content because of the level cap. Bungie overhauled the majority of Destiny and reworked a few strikes with the taken in them. The problem for Vanilla players is the expansion has diminished the enjoyment of Vanilla content by making things unbelievably easy because we can't change base difficulty I'm not sure why that might be to do with the level/light changes made. Potential solutions: A year 1 Vendor selling year 1 legendaries rotational weapons and armor from year 1, Ability to increase difficulty on Story missions and Strikes, Optional Difficulty for Daily/Weekly/Nightfall when it is content THEY have for example Summoning pits with only Year 1 drops. I feel these would improve Vanilla game and not diminish the value of TTK. Now I understand and appreciate that Bungie has done a huge amount of work with the updates but not everyone has bought or will be purchasing the expansion day 1 and i think people who haven't got it should be negatively affected. This is my own opinion feel free to add yours or correct anything I got wrong.

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          • [quote]EDIT 1: I seem to be getting a lot of similar replies, usually directed at claiming Destiny is not a "subscription" service and that we the players "own" the game. I'm sorry boys and girls, we do not own anything. We paid for a liscence to access Destiny's content; content which is subject to change or even be removed for those who don't update their liscence. This was all outlined in the EULA you blindly accepted a year ago.[/quote] Yeah but it wasn't sold on this basis. In something like GTA V did you find that after owning it for a year or two if you go back you find that now you cannot access Sandy Shores any more and you now can only drive motorbikes because you aren't allowed to access the cars any more? I have TTK and I'm loving it but it still violates a principle that you don't deny existing stuff to non upgrading users in order to force them to pay.

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            8 Replies
            • Dat bait though....

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              • I agree that they shouldn't have done this to players as this is a really dumb thing to do, but it's how it is Activison only cares about money and because that's all they care about they will find the easiest way to make cash and in that case it's having someone pay $100 for a game and then a year later get locked out of content that they could play before that day. But it's life you're going to need to buy the content son or call this game a scrap...

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              • I agree

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              • Edited by StLucifur: 9/18/2015 5:25:26 PM
                Elder scrolls online, tamriel unlimited. Free update/expansion with an active PlayStation network pass. Much like Xbox live but without the greed. Do I want ttk for free, no. Do I expect you to care, obviously not. Just enjoy getting milked for content, you "earned" it.

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                • Netflix required you to pay 40.00 or 60.00 to renew?

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                  • Try this: You bought a movie on blu-ray. One year later the extended version comes out. You do not purchase it. Now all scenes that have extended content added to them are unwatchable by you on the blu-ray that you purchased.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Found an image of the OP.

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                      • Know that feel, all i can do now is to txt her: youtube n chill? ;)

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                      • Your analogy is off. It's more like, I didnt upgrade to the HBO package and now my cable provider took away everything but local channels!

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                        5 Replies
                        • Congrats you just became the dumbest person on the internet and possibly the world.

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                        • Defend it fan boy ! Defend it !

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                        • How I love the "informed" people, who know nothing but half truths. Yes. It is a limited use licence. This licence you purchase lasts for the limitation of your mortal life. Apple don't charge you multiple times every 3 or so months to "renew" your licence, or charge you multiple times for the purchase of a track. That is the LIMITED in this sense. Life limited right. Said license covers IP and data. It does not cover a physical object. Physical objects purchased are the owners possession untill they decide to sell it on, recycle it, donate it or scrap it. A game disc exchanged for cash is a physical object. The game disc has tdb and how on, hidden behind paywalls. This is fact. Ultimately, the limited license does not apply to vanilla destiny, the dark below or house of wolves.this is property purchased by an individual. Bungie received money for it - the only thing they cam maintain ownership of in this sense, is any ideas that said disc inspires e.g. Fan fiction, fan art. Too many people are saying that destiny is a subscription service, and trying to defend it that way. This is not the case. A subscription service is open, honest and upfront about its intent to take regular, often monthly payments to continue to use. You will have signed a form with your personal details, preferred payment method etc. This is ENTERING A CONTRACT with said sub service. You will have had a copy. What's that? You don't have a copy? Than destiny is not a sub service. You did not have to fill out paperwork before you made your FIRST sub payment. The guy above is just a fanboy. Defending his lady, his love of life. Sad really. I mean, the only way for him to be correct on what he says, is that law over the world was drastically changed just for ttk's release. And than constantly changed back, because everytime I look, its still the same that I practice on a daily basis.

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                          4 Replies
                          • Edited by Haruchai : 9/18/2015 6:04:42 AM
                            A better analogy would be you pay for a years worth of pizza, 6 months in they tell you about their new "deluxe" pizza for slightly less than your original purchase, you decline. You are then informed that you can no longer have toppings on your pizza as they are included in the "deluxe" range. Your analogy using netflix is flawed as its a sub model with a limited time span. I dont remember seeing a use by date on my copy of destiny. And to counter the usual responses, I own ttk. If you are going to use an analogy at least make it apt, yours doesnt come close.

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                            19 Replies
                            • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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                            • Lol, so true!

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                            • I agree, mostly, but i do sympathize with those that might be shafted with level advantages in trials and ib. We will see how that works out when the time comes...

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                            • Here's an example numb nuts. I pre ordered destiny white ps4 edition, i also pre ordered both dlc's for 35 sterling. I have played the game all year and mostly enjoyed the experience. This game is the reason i got a PS4. TTK comes out I as a consumer don't thinks its worth £40, it might be it might not but it is my decision not to buy it. So I log on to destiny with my other friends who have also choosen not to buy it. What do we find....... nothing! We can only play prison of Elders, Story and 3 multiplayer matches! No Nightfall, no Weekly and no daily. So the game is now unplayable to us. We dont want any new content gear blah blah blah, only to play what we have been playing for the last year. Bungie could have made this possible and would be better off for it, why!? Because it would have given players a third choice to play the game and see the changes around them, which in turn could lead to them actually purchasing the new content. Instead we have 2 choices download dlc and play the game or -blam!- off because we didn't and unless we do we cannot play anything. Its a very counter productive strategy. Yes im sure the taken king is good maybe even worth the $40 (£28 pounds) it should be, but I'll never know because bungie have basically stuck their fingers up at any year 1 player that won't be manipulated in to buying content just to have access to stuff they've already paid for. Overall i invested 450 pounds to play this game at the beginning and what thanks do I get......nothing not even a seperate nightfall loop for non dlc players. Not even a -blam!-ing trailer to watch to entice me into clicking the purchase button! I was gonna wait for the game to drop in price but im done with this game now. Just when they start to get things right too! Ahh well enjoy guys, just remember you wanna play you gotta pay........ evidently more than once for some content!

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                              5 Replies
                              • I love this.

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