"It's like a woman taking a self defense class. Does that mean she's asking to be ganged up on and beat senseless or r.a.p.e.d. because she took the class?
She is simply making a choice for herself. "
This is the dumbest analogy ever. Getting your feelings hurt over a few idiotic internet warriors does not equate to bodily harm.
Sorry you feel that way. And no feelings of mine were hurt by anyone, I typically laugh at trolls. But when someone threatens to r.a.p.e. a girl, because she's a girl playing a game, it tends to set off my itch to nut-smash an asshole. I chose a self defense class as my gathering in my wording, because it's a gathering where women build one another up. Women gathering together, knowing it's only women, and helping each other learn new skills and achieve a goal. Which is similar to Dames. Women coming together, knowing it's a woman only clan, and helping each other through the game and achive the goals they have set (run vog, skolas, crota for example) Doesn't matter if its a gardening club, a mommy club, a self defense class or any kind of gathering of women. Just because a bunch of women want to get together, doesn't give any other person (woman or man of any age) the right to make sexist, threatening remarks to them. Members of the Dames that were in the stream and Belle herself received R.a.p.e. threats. Do you think it's ok?