Actually.. no. That logic is nothing like mine. I've not used the new Titan super yet, or seen it used from a player's perspective. Is it like the Golden Gun where you only get 1, 3, or 4 limited shots(depending on armor)? Or is it like the Sunsinger's Radiance'd grenade throwing capabilities where you can basically just keep on going until it's all gone? Explain to me, master debater and professor of logic, how it works.
Hold on a minute... You just admitted to not having any evidence other than, "He killed me with the hammer!" And yet you want it nerfed? I may not be a master debater, but even I know you have to get evidence from both sides of an argument before coming to a conclusion. [spoiler]shitposter detected[/spoiler] Move along forum viewers, nothing to see here
^^^^Pretty much this. Already 2 days and people are already whining for a nerf.