I was happy to get the FWC ship until i saw it from behind and beneath, it looks transparent in some animations. You can see it clearly in the animation of the exlcusion zone when you get dropped off by your ship. I get the impression that there are other ships that arnt finished (Birth of History, iron banner ship) and that the person or people in charge of the ship models havnt paid attention to detail. This spoils the experience of the game.
Either the model is not finished or the texture normals need to be flipped (the Plains on the bottom part of the ship need to be turned around for the ship to look solid). Bungie can you fix this please??
here is a gif i found that also shows the transparency: https://gfycat.com/NippyKeenEuropeanfiresalamander
The new TTK FWC ship is fully formed
Ok just got the new fwc ship I can confirm it looks fully formed