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Edited by Coyote_x_Starrk: 9/16/2015 1:46:06 AM

You have not had any content taken away from you so please stop saying that you have.

Before we start let me say first off I am no "Desticle" I have not bought TTK and I have no intention to do so until I see review scores and impressions that make me feel its worth my $40 purchase. So I am missing out on the new content just like you guys are. I don't drink the Kool Aid. I think that $40 for a DLC is a joke even if it is an "Expansion". I personally believe I am one of the most outspoken critics on the forums regarding TTK and its various scandals. Then why am I bothering to post this you ask? Because I believe in fairness and the ranting and raving I am seeing in thread after thread is not fair towards Bungie. It is a HUGE overreaction and the bombastic claims of being robbed of content and being scammed is just downright idiotic. [b][u]You have not had any missions, strikes, raids, or weapons taken away from you that you have purchased. You can still play all the TDB missions/strikes, HoW missions/strikes and you can certainly still play the vanilla missions/strikes. The same goes for the crucible. You still have every right to play the maps that you have already paid for in the classic playlists in the crucible. [/u][/b] The only thing you have been locked out of is new endgame content like Nightfalls, Weeklies, Raid etc etc. That is not content that you bought that is a [i]FEATURE[/i] of the game. A feature that centers [i]around [/i]the latest content. When you bought TDB you bought the strikes, missions, gear etc etc and the Nightfall then took that content and featured it every week. Now that TTK is the latest content the Nightfall now features THAT content. So no you don't get to do the Nightfall because the Nightfall features new content. Content that you have not paid for. So please stop acting as if Bungie came into your game and pulled all of the missions and gear from your bleeding fingers and pissed on your Ghost. This is how expansion based games have operated for YEARS now. The new expansion comes out with new gear, new missions, and a new level cap. That new content is then featured front and center in every way and the old content is pushed off to the side. WoW, Diablo, SWTOR etc etc have followed this design for years. This is not new and this not shocking. They did it for TDB and they did it for HoW, but they did it on a smaller scale because they were smaller packages. TTK is essentially Destiny 1 part 2. So of course its impact on the day to day functionality of the game is gonna be MUCH more noticeable and much more profound. You paid for content. You got that content. You [i]still have[/i] that content. You can still play that content. [i]Features[/i] such as the endgame activities however will always be geared toward the latest content and if you don't have that content then you obviouslly cannot participate in the features that use that new content. The same goes for the levelcap as well. You paid for the level-cap to be increased in each of the new DLC's that came out because they were TIED to that content and you need that gear in order to REACH that new cap. They have now raised it again and have tied that cap to the new gear. Gear you don't have access to because you have not paid for it yet. So of [i]COURSE[/i] the Vendors are going to be selling the latest and greatest gear. Do you honestly think that they should still be selling old level Vanilla gear like Shadow Price or The Devil You Know even though its been outclassed ages ago? I understand that you are upset that your options are limited now because the content you bought is no longer[i] featured[/i], but don't sit their and claim that it is no longer there or that you no longer have access to it. Because it is and you do.

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  • People need to read the terms/agreements. They basically tell you they can change what they want when they come out with patches or expansons. I guarantee the people that are going to argue with you have yet to read them yet.

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    2 Replies
    • It would not be wise to compare this to WoW as ALL of the old gear from previous expansions(at the time of my playing it) were still available via old vendors that remained in the game and old heroic level strikes that remained accessible to all who hadn't purchased the new content. There are only the current static vendors in the tower and reef. These vendors HAVE lost old gear due to expansion update and rotation via removal of the old gear. In WoW, when I was playing, this didn't happen. I can understand people being salty at not being able to play activities they thought they bought at launch such as weeklies and nightfalls. That is legitimate. As MMOs go, it's normal for new gear to appear, but you're going to upset many people if you remove access to the gear they bought during the last expansion which is exactly what happens when you have static vendors who only carry gear from the new expansion. If these same vendors had retained all their old gear, or new vendors were added instead of replacing gear from old vendors, then this wouldn't be a problem.

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    • I really wish I could use my Mida that would single-handedly destroy Oryx and his entire Taken Army but WAIT [b]im stuck with the goddamn Suros and Bad Juju. Good thing I could use it in patrols though right? I mean I could still encounter lvl 36 taken but I could use it [i]in patrols[/i][/b] [spoiler]I miss my Mida /: [/spoiler]

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    • D; bungie = the real taken king lololol :D

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    • Theres no differential between features and content. If its in the game at any point its content. stop trying to justify it by labelling everthing that was removed or now restricted as something else. Yes ive got ttk and happy with it. Yes I agree there was a lot of game the non ttk players paid for that they no longer have access to.

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      9 Replies
      • [quote]Luke Smith here guys, just wanted to comment and say hope you all are enjoying all of our new enemies and patrols on this dlc, we have blue Knights , green looking Knights and we even brought back our plain Knights,so good hunting guardians and most importantly throw me tha money[/quote]

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      • Edited by ChickenHawk110: 9/16/2015 5:46:44 AM
        I agree and I disagree. You are correct about most of your post. I suspect you couldn't care, but here is another take on it. [b]Endgame activities have been taken away from me.[/b] I know you have already covered your opinion on the matter, but I would disagree to a small extent. They could have left an option to do LvL34 Nightfall with non-TTK rewards, which would still give me a more difficult weekly mission, likely with burns. No real downside too it except the super small effort if would have taken the dev's. In Crucible, my stats used to give me my Super in about 3:30 without any kills, and my grenade used to take about 25 seconds to come back. Now, my Super is 5:14 to get it back, and my grenades take 0:55 seconds, that is a reduction in power that will make a significant difference to my game during Crucible. Yes, every guardians power has been nerfed, but any level 40's with new 280 armour that will get the stats back up again will have a significant advantage for their Supers, Grenades and Melee. They are quite free to enter regular Crucible in the non-TTK playlist and dominate because of their power advantage. [b] My "even playing field" in "light levels disabled Crucible" has been taken away from me.[/b] [b]My choice of Crucible game mode has been taken away from me. I like Big Team, I dislike Free For All[/b] Another thing that was specifically taken away from many guardians is the Hopscotch Pilgrim. Its now just an 55A-Allfate. I actually have an Allfate and a Hopscotch with identical perks, and now identical stats. There has not been any other weapon archetype changes in all of Y1. There wasn't any history or inference anywhere that this thing could even happen as I spent my time grinding to get the HP, and NO-ONE would have spent that amount of time grinding for an Allfate archetype pulse rifle. There are many more reasons as to why that particular decision was deceptive and shady as hell from Bungie but no need to cover them here. [b]My specific weapon was literally taken away from me.[/b] [b]Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris have been taken away from me.[/b] IB was with vanilla and ToO was purchased with HoW. If a player really wants to enter those events strongly underleveled, I believe Bungie is being scummy by stopping them. ToO really was a selling feature for HoW, not a selling point for TTK. Those are the reasons that I feel I have had content taken away from me, do you see anything wrong or inaccurate with my reasons?

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        33 Replies
        • It really is worth it

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        • There is a problem with your logic here tho. Eventho everyone got the 2.0 update here, Bungie overlooked some glaring problems it caused (eventho it´s a fantastic and most welcome update with good changes): 1. There is no longer level 20 legendary gear available on Vanguard and Crucible vendors. Light levels are gone and have different meaning now. So gear is actual level restricted as of now! Problem? You can now only get level 40 legendary gear from these vendors! You can only get level 40 by buying TTK expansion. So people are now depended on the RNG gods. 2. Weekly Heroic was the only steady source to get guaranteed Strange Coins. Now only available by buying TTK expansion. So people without TTK are now depended on the RNG gods. So eventho no content has been taken away! What is the point now in playing Crucible for people without TTK? They can´t buy any gear from the Crucible and Faction vendors, as it´s all level 40! What is the point in doing patrols, missions and bounties for people without TTK? They can´t buy any gear from the Vanguard vendors! So all in all, Other than leveling up a new character and getting to level 34, there isn´t much to do anymore for people without TTK. I personally think this is a huge oversight by Bungie and I personally think this is a typical sleazy tactic (ActiVision?) in forcing people to buy the TTK expansion! PS. I pre-ordered and own TTK! So I am posting from an honest outside perspective!

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          32 Replies
          • It's sad how cynical Bungie (most probably because of Activision) has become when it comes to getting the most money out of people, but this is the new way of doing it. Last gen it was on dlc (on disc or otherwise) this gen it looks like a subscription type of method.

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            • Most of it makes sense And LOL@u for thinking some peeps use common sense in here

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              3 Replies
              • Edited by Banjhex: 9/16/2015 7:14:45 PM
                I agree, but I do think they should keep level 20 gear purchasable at the vendors to those who have not upgraded. This is so that people feel like they can progress even their level 20 characters and not need to purchase TTK in order to get gear. So Collection 1 tab is 40 and Collection tab 2 is 20 to support legacy players. If another expansion with another level cap releases then add another tab for that.

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              • Edited by Jackie Daytona: 9/16/2015 7:20:30 PM
                I believe I may have muted you at one point for something, no idea what anymore but after a while I un-mute folks because opinions and outlooks change. That being said, I doubt I will ever mute you again. Well said, I've been somewhat of a defender of Destiny since I play in a fireteam and have pretty much always been able to do the activity of my choice. But you hit the nail on the head with that post. I applaud your reasoning and you have showed me things I had overlooked being a TTK purchaser. Thank you sir!

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              • hmm, I think it's probably not a good idea to play this game if you aren't going to keep up with the DLC. It's like playing WoW and not buying the expansions. . . it just doesn't make sense. But you are a bit wrong. Nightfalls are something that were taken away from players that don't buy TTK.

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              • Alright, I'm just gonna replay missions on higher difficulties then for fun. Wait, that's gone. Maybe I'll just play a high level strike playlist then. Wait, that's gone as well. I'll just sit here in the corner then.

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                5 Replies
                • Edited by FamasFTW35: 9/16/2015 7:02:44 PM
                  Ok i'm going to explain this like you're 3 We WE the people with the taken king are left out of the base game stuff Now base game THE STUFF THAT CAME WITH THE GAME the original game Such as Nighfall,weekly, Dally? (I'm not to sure about daily) and toO now we spend money on a dlc you shouldn't take stuff from other dlcs and say "HEY SO YEA WE TAKE HALF OF HOW AND PUT IT IN TTK" i'm sure I could on but i'm pretty sure you get the point

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                  24 Replies
                  • Oh my god thank you for this! Finally someone realizes what's happening! Another thing I don't understand is why are people complaining about losing their best weapons if they haven't bought the DLC yet? They can't get the new weapons and gear if they don't buy the new content so what they have now is going to be really good for a level 34 anyways! Thank you m8. You deserve lots o praise

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                  • Nope. Cannot play crucible without taken king. -pbc

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                    3 Replies
                    • Wow you are dumb eh?

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                    • Well you're the first person who actually used logic and not emotion. Good on you.

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                    • Wayy to much common sense and actual intelligence in this for the forums to appreciate.

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                    • This is everything I've been trying to convey to people who complain about ttk.

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                    • ^ THIS. THIS IS SPOT ON

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                    • Scandals? Lol who's having sex with whom!? Please tell! Please tell!

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                      1 Reply
                      • I am just going to cut and paste your OP into all these other threads.

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                        • Year 1. Year 2. Wipe and reset Y1 in favor of Y2. Magic.

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