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Edited by Coyote_x_Starrk: 9/16/2015 1:46:06 AM

You have not had any content taken away from you so please stop saying that you have.

Before we start let me say first off I am no "Desticle" I have not bought TTK and I have no intention to do so until I see review scores and impressions that make me feel its worth my $40 purchase. So I am missing out on the new content just like you guys are. I don't drink the Kool Aid. I think that $40 for a DLC is a joke even if it is an "Expansion". I personally believe I am one of the most outspoken critics on the forums regarding TTK and its various scandals. Then why am I bothering to post this you ask? Because I believe in fairness and the ranting and raving I am seeing in thread after thread is not fair towards Bungie. It is a HUGE overreaction and the bombastic claims of being robbed of content and being scammed is just downright idiotic. [b][u]You have not had any missions, strikes, raids, or weapons taken away from you that you have purchased. You can still play all the TDB missions/strikes, HoW missions/strikes and you can certainly still play the vanilla missions/strikes. The same goes for the crucible. You still have every right to play the maps that you have already paid for in the classic playlists in the crucible. [/u][/b] The only thing you have been locked out of is new endgame content like Nightfalls, Weeklies, Raid etc etc. That is not content that you bought that is a [i]FEATURE[/i] of the game. A feature that centers [i]around [/i]the latest content. When you bought TDB you bought the strikes, missions, gear etc etc and the Nightfall then took that content and featured it every week. Now that TTK is the latest content the Nightfall now features THAT content. So no you don't get to do the Nightfall because the Nightfall features new content. Content that you have not paid for. So please stop acting as if Bungie came into your game and pulled all of the missions and gear from your bleeding fingers and pissed on your Ghost. This is how expansion based games have operated for YEARS now. The new expansion comes out with new gear, new missions, and a new level cap. That new content is then featured front and center in every way and the old content is pushed off to the side. WoW, Diablo, SWTOR etc etc have followed this design for years. This is not new and this not shocking. They did it for TDB and they did it for HoW, but they did it on a smaller scale because they were smaller packages. TTK is essentially Destiny 1 part 2. So of course its impact on the day to day functionality of the game is gonna be MUCH more noticeable and much more profound. You paid for content. You got that content. You [i]still have[/i] that content. You can still play that content. [i]Features[/i] such as the endgame activities however will always be geared toward the latest content and if you don't have that content then you obviouslly cannot participate in the features that use that new content. The same goes for the levelcap as well. You paid for the level-cap to be increased in each of the new DLC's that came out because they were TIED to that content and you need that gear in order to REACH that new cap. They have now raised it again and have tied that cap to the new gear. Gear you don't have access to because you have not paid for it yet. So of [i]COURSE[/i] the Vendors are going to be selling the latest and greatest gear. Do you honestly think that they should still be selling old level Vanilla gear like Shadow Price or The Devil You Know even though its been outclassed ages ago? I understand that you are upset that your options are limited now because the content you bought is no longer[i] featured[/i], but don't sit their and claim that it is no longer there or that you no longer have access to it. Because it is and you do.

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  • I paid for TDB and HOW with TTK collectors edition. I did not play them previously to this purchase. Why do I have a Grimoire full of wolves that I can't find or collect the rewards for? I paid for this, and I'm told people that bought HOW received these. It is my understanding that they were in the game at one time. You are right, it was not taken from me, it was actually never given to me in the first place.

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  • Completely agree here, though it is disappointing. All the original content - missions, strikes, maps - they are still there and playable in some form. Heroic and Nightfall are endgame features and add such teir to the most recent expansion. As such, if you have not got content permitting you to teach the required level, you would never be able to complete it anyway. I fully appreciate the lack of mission modifiers, however. That's just plain annoying but was part of the year 2 change, not the TTK update (nitpicking, I know, but still the case). I don't pay crucible myself but I can also appreciate that the random selection of mode is also frustrating. If O ever have to touch crucible, I tend to stick with control and not having the option to only pay control would bug me. Nonetheless, while some alterations are a pain, especially for vanilla players, endgame features always rise to current expansions in games with expansion models. While Destiny is not an MMO, it shares some of the same models, this being one of them. All games have a lifespan. Once I complete something, I tend to set it aside and then maybe play again later for nostalgic reasons. If I do not want to purchase expansions, I stop playing. You've had a year for Destiny before these major changes, and if you came really late to the game, it is on part your own fault for lack or research and patience. Had you waited until this version launched, we would not have so many complainers. It's not like these changes were a surprise. Add to that, you never actually own a game anymore. You lease the right to play it for as long as the developer sees fit. Online games could have their servers sit down tomorrow and it's tough. For other games, all it takes is one update to potentially sit the game down, though as it doesn't cost developers anything for offline games this doesn't happen (that I know of). Sorry for the wall of text... TL;DR - all the original content is there. How you access it and the levels may have changed, and endgame teirs have moved on, but it is still there. You ate not locked out of/restricted from playing the base game.

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  • No, just no.

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  • Vanguard tiger? At least it was lvl 24 ToO gone Weeklies gone Can't even choose what I play in pvp

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  • I disagree. We should still have old nightfall missions etc . Just not the new stuff.

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by rymanosaurus: 9/16/2015 9:39:18 PM
      I have TTK, but i would be ticked if I bought a game and suddenly a year later I couldn't run nightfalls or weekly strikes. People saying it's the consumer's fault are incorrect. They bought into destiny. If it's going to be a yearly buy-in to keep playing, bungie should have made that known up front. Not right before the content was locked down.

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      2 Replies
      • Whatever feature content they still ripped it from us Dark below: Daily missions were still playable occasionally House of Wolves: Daily missions were still unlocked for non DLC holders TTK: No daily's whatsoever unless you buy TTK

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      • Edited by H3adStrong117: 9/16/2015 10:00:19 PM
        The only thing I feel like these players are missing out on is the option to choose between Crucible game types. I have TTK, so it doesn't matter much to me... However, being that I play crucible 99% of the time I can see why people who haven't purchased the expansion would be livid. They paid for options. More than twice as many as they currently have now. Options that THEY themselves should have the option to choose between. Not Bungie. I like both clash and control, (salvage and skirmish, etc) but not being able to choose which I'm about to play is garbage. Complete garbage. I feel bad for all you players who really enjoy PvP but don't have the expansion. You all got sort of screwed.

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      • Finaly somone intellegent, also ttk is a blast man

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      • Well worded and respectable post.

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        • You sir are awesome.

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        • Holy fcking shit people are mad about not being able to do dailys weeklys and night falls. But the damn expansion. This game is going to continue to evolve that's a FACT. If you don't like that they are charging for expansions then play another game it's that simple. Destiny is a hobby, that's what the devs wanted it to be. A hobby, and a hobby requires dedication and of course money.

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          • Most sane thing I've seen posted on here in a while.

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          • Since when did a "Feature" of a game, and the "Content" of a game become two separate things?

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            3 Replies
            • The only thing I feel bad for those people are the night falls and the super slow charge rates for armor pieces. Just out of curiosity what about trials? They are definitely going to be locked out of that with new light levels and stuff

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            • Funny how people are complaining about how Nightfalls and Weekly Strikes are being "Taken" away from them but no one complained when the original Queen's Wrath event was removed.

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            • Agree with your post but I think they should unlock the level cap for non ttk owners, however, they should keep the light capped for non ttk owners. If they want to do iron banner, nightfall on non ttk map, heroics on non ttk maps, that is fine. They will however suffer through the agonizing pain of not being at a higher light level. Their choice for not buying which is fine. This is a free market. Feel free to buy or pass on anything you want, BUT suffer the repercussions of being an inferior light level. Just my thoughts, but who knows what Bungie may do.

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              4 Replies
              • Love your name OP(bleach fan I guess?) that aside, I completely agree with everything you have said so far and it's sad that more people don't agree with you.

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              • Thank you so much this is exactly what I've been wanting to say to these people.

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              • Except we have had content taken. We can't do Nightfalls, Heroic strikes, Daily missions, or play regular playlists anymore. All of these were advertised and shipped as part of the base game, not requiring DLCs. Now, you [i]must[/i] pay $40 to get access to content that has always been a part of the game and accessible. That is literally the definition of taking content and locking it behind a paywall. Even on weeks/days where vanilla strikes/missions are chosen, you can't play them without TTK due to the level requirements. That's literally what taking content is, and you have to be a special kind of stupid to not believe that.

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                15 Replies
                • Your forgetting about trials and iron banner. Vanilla and HoW content no longer playable unless I buy ttk

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                • The only reason people are feeling like they got their stuff taken away is because they are twelve year olds that are used to playing call of duty.

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                  3 Replies
                  • -blam!-ing bump.

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                  • I have a problem with what OP said [spoiler]Shadow Price is not outclassed, you take that back you mother-blam!-er.[/spoiler]

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                    14 Replies
                    • Well put. FWIW, IMHO Bungie has really learned a lot from the first year and it shows in TTK. Story, replayability, and groundwork for the future -- it all gets some tender loving care. Considering I haven't heard about a round of TTK DLC (like TDB/HOW) I think it's certainly worth the price of admission. And I haven't even raided yet!

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                    • Edited by Craig da best: 9/16/2015 8:28:53 PM
                      I think most people are upset about: Then changing crucible playlist so we can't choose the game type we want in a game that's already rather short of crucible game types And the guns in our vault, we've been locked out of the new vendor weapons fair enough we didn't buy them. But they've completely destroyed pretty much every gun I had before and made green quality gear outclass it so now if I want to be competitive in crucible I have to pay to win And being left with level 20 strikes even vanilla destiny had level 28 strikes

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