...seemed hopeless. Okay, okay, maybe not hopeless! But I'll be damned if I didn't feel a bit slighted at first. I thought "What the hell? Why nerf just this gun while the Messenger, which has very nearly identical stats, remains unchanged!!! I got pissed. Posted about it. Felt bitter. Raged.
But none of that matters anymore. It's all behind me now. Because I'm in love all over again!!!
Skorri! How, oh how did I not see the Light before?!? I shall be the instrument and you shall have your sweet, sweet Revenge!!!
Sign if you love Skorri's Revenge. Comment if you want to compare builds (mine's on my Titan!) or have found solace elsewhere after mourning your own Hopscotch Pilgrim.
........ life will go on....... destiny will eventually sink to the bottom.......... people will realize its a 10 year beta ........... other games from competent companies will fill the void...... how long will it take you to realize.