So I logged on about 15 minutes ago excited to start playing the new TTK expansion that I've been waiting for. As a Day 1 player with both expansions already owned and played through, I am eager to get the $39.99 Digital Download and even the $20 Collector's Edition Upgrade that we've been hearing so much about.
However, I'm on an Xbox 360, and I don't see any download options! The only items in the Xbox Store are a $59.99 Legendary Edition and a $79.99 Collector's Edition. What's more, the links for ordering TTK on Xbox 360 navigate me to a Microsoft Store page where I can only download TTK for Xbox One.
SO.... Am I missing something here? I've been reading and researching so that I can get all the bonus content, exotic class items and SUROS Weapon pack. I've been eager to pre-order but unable to do so on my 360. Now gametime is finally here and I feel like I'm stuck sitting here, having to either be patient or spend extra money to repurchase a game I already own...
Bungie! What should I do?!?!
Details: --> This link seems to only take me to an Xbox Store page where I can download the content for Xbox One (
log in to destiny choose your character go to the set destination part look just to the side of "the tower" you will see the taken king logo click on that with your controller it will give you the option for the upgrade I restarted the game an everything looks to be there so far