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Edited by WINTER PROPHET: 9/15/2015 5:58:51 PM

Your journey, your gear, your legend, lies, & waste.

[b]EDIT[/b]: [spoiler]Orig post was at 11:15am EST. This edit is to clarify only one thing. [i]This post just because it starts with "the removal" of "field scout" as a weapon stat, does not mean this post in its entirety is about "field scout". This thread is about multiple topics. ~Peace.[/i][/spoiler] [b]EDIT #2[/b]: [spoiler]First and foremost, I'd like to thank everyone in this thread with views that differ that have made that effort to be as respectful as possible to one another. Regardless of views that differ, we ARE in fact all part of the same community. ALSO... It is with genuine respect but with a feeling of loss for each community member who has opted out of this most recent and blatant Paywall by Bungie. Being locked out of rewards and activities and content already bought is understandably a good reason to no longer play. For those guardians who have retired, in my mind it's not this game that made you legend. Paying a developer for repeated access to an already bought product doesn't make anyone legend. You are a legend by what you do, not by what you pay.[/spoiler] Why would you as a developer state you're going to "reduce a weapon stat", a "statistic on a weapon", and take that statistic and remove its ability to BE a stat on that weapon. Not only are you telling another LIE, any weapon that was grinded to find over the course of a year becomes wasted, by removing field scout (a STAT ON A WEAPON that acts as a magazine upgrade) now has ZERO effect [b]on the weapon[/b]. If this was the case when you designed weapons back in the beginning, players wouldn't have wasted time over a year either seeking out armor with perks that boost ammo reserve for that weapon (because the field scout would've provided it from the weapon), or even bought any weapon with field scout because they owned armor with a perk that did the same thing, or bought armor that did the same thing because they owned the weapon with that perk. In short... Bungie wasted our time buying weapons with field scout. They wasted our time with us grinding marks for buying armor that had perks that provided reserve ammo. And LIED when they said they'd reduce the field scout weapon stat by removing its ability to [b][i][u]BE A STAT THAT EFFECTS THE WEAPON.[/u][/i][/b] I'm done with looking for logic in these idiotic choices Bungie has made. Honestly... I don't need to be in your concurrency center that LAGS down our peer to peer network over PVP [b][i][u]AND[/u][/i][/b] PVE. You guys at Bungie LEECH off of US (the players connections) with your servers via "recording our actions, what we are using, where we are going, and time spent in activities". I've been gaming long enough to see this and know what it is. It's a PVE/PVP "[u]peer-to-peer[/u]" networking gameplay system that you require us to be connected to YOUR servers and concurrency center all the time so while we the players are supporting each other with our own connections while all you do is monitor what we are doing to find out how to manipulate what we find most enjoyable and lock it behind paywalls, and more recently.... take EVERYTHING we spend the most time doing and remove the experience and reputation gain so you can increase our in-game play duration to compensate for the inactive accounts who quit. Because so many won't be buying TTK, and aren't playing as much anymore you need to increase our time played because Activision won't support you as a developer and your validity is questionable when your performance is up for review by Activision. •So far, 1/3 accounts or more don't play destiny anymore. (My friends, 34 quit and 11 remain). (1 friend, 16 quit, 4 remain) (Another friend, 28 quit, 7 remain) •15% game time or less is spent in PVP. (No dedicated server support, no forge, no custom matches, no map voting [some of these maps are downright ATROSTICINGLY SH*TT*], no real theater mode [i]which btw if you had listened to community and the launch polls since launch THEATRE MODE would've been a short term investment with [b]long term advertising demographic revenue [/b]from a hardcore demographic revenue source [/i], and a kill cam that SHOWS the [b][i]actual replay of the actual kill that took place[/i][/b], instead of this waste of time showing players a guy running by your corpse that doesn't show how a kill happened or what was used. [b][i][u]You might as well call it a "TRAFFIC CAM" instead of a "KILL CAM" (out of your cowardice knowing your lack of dedicated server support causes huge packet loss and latency and tick rate issues with horrid hit registration), you and experienced gamers of 20 years plus know the reason you don't show actual kills in the kill cam is because "WHAT it would show" would be an "elusive and alternate reality" of actions that transpired on the killers console completely contradicting what transpired on the dead players console.[/u][/i][/b] Literally flooding the Internet with how inept and morose your games duplicitous decade old peer to peer netcode literally is. •Time spent in PVE has become less since you've invalidated the worth of all raid AND legendary gear and ninja nerfed TONS of player time and effort into gear by disrespecting EVERY CONSUMER who payed for a product that supported your game since day 1... on top of LOCKING CONSUMERS OUT of "rewarding activities" in the product "that were bought", RE-bought, and now BOUGHT AGAIN... because showing up at my house to update a light fixture I bought from you in your mind means "removing the wiring behind the switch" and refusing to let me turn the light on until paying you 33%-75% of what I payed upon installation, and having to pay it every 3 months after buying it because you patented the light switch with a photo of Corky with his eyes crossed on it. Here's a news flash Bundev.... Xbox Live (who has admitted in their "consumers digital rights purchase agreement contract") has specifically stated that ONCE A YEAR every xbox live yearly subscriber is in fact ENTITLED to ONE digital refund no matter the on-screen waver upon purchase. You've lost accounts for Destiny. You've lost players. You're losing positive YouTube reviews from real gamers who aren't desperate to maintain income from your failing business model. And even your own employees, under the guise of nobility and nothing but commitment to their paycheck will not be telling you the truth in your own numbers and sales. And that will be your demise. Because[i][b] "I don't want to make a game that goes back on the shelf"[/b][/i] ~~(Jason Jones quote)~~ has very quickly become a game that didn't make it passed a 7.5 rating and a 12 month journey into the trash can.

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  • What bothers me the most about the past year in Destiny is not so much what Bungie did with the game, its how they went about it. The lack of communication and dishonesty surrounding every dlc, update and patch is the crux of the matter. Withholding information that might possibly keep consumers from making informed purchases is tantamount to fraud from my perspective. Bungie/Activision should have been upfront from the start that Destiny was going to be pay to play, that would have been the right thing to do. Maybe they thought Destiny wouldn't be accepted if it was launched this way. Maybe it wasn't originally designed that way and it wasn't until late in development that it was decided to see if this was a viable way of getting a larger return on their investment. Instead of honesty, they opted to string consumers along with the false hope that they would be able to settle in with their purchase and have some fun with newly acquired friends when in actuality they would be locked out of content with each released dlc if it was not purchased. I,for one, don't take issue with what it costs for the dlcs (although I do believe our UK guardians in arms do have a legitimate complaint about the cost of TTK). I've had a tremendous amount of fun playing with my son and all the people I have met over the course of this last year so it was well worth it. Where else could I have been entertained for a year at the cost of $100.00? What I don't consider fun is having content I've paid for rendered usless in year two. What I don't consider fun is making the content I have less fun to use in game. Being unable to ascend year one gear is a vicious wound to the dedicated year one players. The retroactive nerfs to that gear is the salt that makes the wound burn. These things should have never happened. I really liked your take on on the pvp killcam. It makes perfect sense that having a killcam would definitely show the shortcomings of peer to peer connectivity. I wondered if the reason for no dedicated servers was because Bungie/Activision wasn't sure how Destiny would be received by fans and were hesitant to commit funds to have them put in place at launch. Maybe there's room in their budget for them in the not to distant future if Destiny continues to be successful. Then again, maybe they're just too cheap to give the fans what they should have had from the start. There's so much more I could ramble on about Bungie/Activisions dishonest business practices but it's late and I'm getting to tired to conjugate my thoughts. I decided to give the Taken King a chance because I do enjoy the comradery between the friends I have made, and it gives me a chance to connect with my son who is away at college. Here's hoping Bungie can learn from their mistakes and right the ship before every shred of their already fading reputation is gone. TKL out

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