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9/14/2015 6:51:32 PM

Same price less content again...sigh.

Please keep your fanboy comments to yourself as this isn't about that. Perhaps I'm a little late to the party but I just found this out today that Xbox one owners will once again miss out on a strike as well as a multiplayer map with the TK expansion. I was under the impression that this was only a year one deal that Activision/Bungee made with Sony however it appears that this is going to be the trend that continues during Destiny's lifeline?tbc? Not too uncommon with some games today sadly. Ironically we've moved from console exclusive games to content and thats pretty messed up since we the gamers are the ones who get shafted on our own interest. And as someone who's been gaming since the 80s it's certainly one of the more interesting things I've seen happen in this industry. But more interesting is why we let game companies do this? Why do we as consumers allow ourselves to be taken? Greedyvision wants to give Sony owners different/more content cause of some deal they made on the side while getting drunk at a strip club that's fine. The problem is paying the same price. $40 isn't a big deal for me but for others I'm sure it is. And it's not about the money it's about principle. While at the grocery store I don't pay $4 for a dozen eggs while the guy in front of me paid $3 for the same ones. And $20 for emotes. Come on! Activision made over $1 billion combined last year and you want to take $20 out of people's pockets so they can do some emotes in a video game. Seriously, the people who make these decisions need to go away. Far, far away. I don't care if you work for Sony, Activision or Bungee. Go ruin something else. And while your at it knock of a few bucks Cashivison so we don't feel like you think we, your consumer base, are total morons. This was the first console game I pre ordered and my last. Supporting a company that practices this type of business model is unacceptable. However perhaps there's some young person who will read this post and one day get a job for this company and change things for the better. /sarcasm

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