The power struggle is real. The Warlocks want things to be done exactly the way they want it to be done, methodical, safe and boringly time consuming. Hunters are the exact opposite, carefree/reckless, fun living and willing to do stupid stuff to have fun and want everyone to get in the middle of a fight and have fun, regardless if we win or lose. This is why I personally love Hunters and have little love for Warlocks, although I have friended a few rebellious Warlocks that know how to have a fun time.
Safe? To become Stormcallers, we took on enough voltage to nearly stop our hearts. Worth it, by the way :)
Nothing I've seen about warlocks I combat says slow. Nothing kills faster than complete disintegration.
If I have played with more stormcallers I could say that, but so far none of the ones I have seen are quite as daring and willing to do the crazy/stupid thing Gunslingers used to do. So, yeah, I guess I should not have grouped this group of warlocks into this group.
Or a shoulder charge. TITAN SMASH