No game is obsolete after the first year. Nightfalls and heroics were taken away as content for TTK ONLY. The other 2 expansions you could still play the mode, just not the expansion strikes. I still have all my games and can play all of them. Your arguments are so non factual.
You also can still play destiny just not end game modes that call for max level. So your statement is non factual. Starting on 9/15 they are taking out the weekly heroic for everyone. Let me ask you something. What are you going after in the Nightfall? I have every thing that can drop from it and have had it months. I took 3 months off from playing the game too.
It's great for random legendary guns, and exotic shards. Also it's a very fun game mode, I complete them solo just for fun. This game isn't all about rewards. I just want my content that I originally bought to stay in my game.