I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do first when TTK comes out? Nightfall? Story missions? Other?
With all the changes to the nightfall I'm no longer sure if completing it first thing is going to be necessary. Comment below!
To all fellow Guardians: Good luck, have fun, and happy killings tomorrow!
Love all the replies, some of you have some pretty 'interesting' agendas tomorrow!
Considering nightfall is a lvl40 event. Ill be leveling
Step 1: work Step 2: concert Step 3: sleep Step 4: work Step 5: destiny
Go to school. Will wait to Friday to actually play.
Buy ttk. Cry because work. Play on Friday.
nightfall cannot be done until level 40, so that's not first. for me it is going to be examining the tower/reef for changes and turning in my saved bounties. then story mode, then strike Playlist.
Farm the hell out of crucible and strikes for legendary marks. I WANT THAT NEW VENDOR GEAR
1. wake 2. bake 3. rank up factions 4. work 5. beat destiny 6. $$$
Drop a couple of orbs [spoiler]then play the taken king all day[/spoiler]
Going to get the new subclass for my Warlock as soon as I can. Can't wait to go round zapping things with my lightning hands!
A big poo!! Then wait for the postman.
I really only have time to check the new weapons in the Tower, and I won't even have TTK yet.
Story 1st..Always.
[i]Become a Sith Lord[/i]
Work. Play /Get to 40 then sleep.
I'm going to get me that damn sword.!! Or die trying..
Wake up at 7. Play til 11 am. Take a chemistry exam and then game til my fingers fall off
Get home from work around 10 am, start everything up. Play for an hour. Go to bed. Go back to work
Wake up and take a shower
I'm gonna do the POE first! Said no one ever...
Considering I haven't received my collectors edition yet, I will be hoping the postie has his running shoes on because if it's delivered late I'll be chasing the c**t up the driveway with a knife.
Wake up, school, learn nothing, come home, sit down, get subclasses and get new stuff
Get my exotic from dead orbit
MC Hammer quest asap
every story mission on every charecter then strikes then nightfall