I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do first when TTK comes out? Nightfall? Story missions? Other?
With all the changes to the nightfall I'm no longer sure if completing it first thing is going to be necessary. Comment below!
To all fellow Guardians: Good luck, have fun, and happy killings tomorrow!
Love all the replies, some of you have some pretty 'interesting' agendas tomorrow!
1. Look at the available quests listed on reddit [spoiler]https://m.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3kt4nr/spoiler_list_off_all_105_quests_with_their_steps/[/spoiler] 2. Find out which ones (that are available) give me the best armor and weapons and complete them. 3. Use my Focused Light and all of the 5000 EXP Bounties and Public Event Packages I've been saving to level up armor, weapons, and subclasses & get to level 40 to be as prepared as I can be for the raid on Friday.
Get up go to work sit 900 ft underground for a while come home and hopefully play
Pick up Faction quest reward
Get my subclasses duh. I'm Gunna start with me titan cause I wanna be Thor! Also, I will be doing strikes and the weeklies ;) so HYPED!! so glad work this week is easy lol
- I wake up from an epic dream where I [i]cured Cancer[/i], defeated [i]Xylar the Destroyer of Worlds[/i] and got out of the [i]Friendzone[/i]. - I check my phone, only to have it crashed because of all the crazy b[i]i[/i]tches that texted me. - Then I walk down the ivory steps in front of my Throne-Bed™ becoming more and more [b]BADASS[/b] every step. - I step in the shower and cleanse my body with liquid gold. - I then clothe myself with a suit handcrafted by the Eldest of the [i]Canali[/i] Family. - After that I proceed to eat my own brand of Cereal: [i][b]Badass Flakes of Badassery[/b][/i]. - When I am done with my morning routine, I am going to watch and inspect those who not only killed my son, but erased him from existence. I am inviting them into my fortress, they call it the [b]Dreadnought[/b]. When those "[i]Guardians[/i]" get there it will remove all of their hope, and then, then I take my [u]Revenge[/u]. EDIT: [spoiler]Or, you know, I start the download. Put my PS4 in rest mode. And get to work.[/spoiler]
Find hammer, max hammer, kill thrall, kill players in mayhem, play story with hammer
School - work-sleep
Get the new subclasses, pop the Etheric and open all packages. Just to get a quick boost in that subclass. After that I'll pop my missions to rank up DO, Vanguard and Cryptarch to get current packages and hopefully some better gear.
Wake up?
Go to work, sniff, bank holiday on the 16 though
Get hammer Upgrade hammer Kill stuff with hammer. Kill oryx
Get new subclass pop one of those refbull exp things turn in all 16 bounties at once and profit
Doe loud the dlc
I'll get all the bounites and then start the story.
Do everything I have to do to get the new subclass.
[quote]I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do first when TTK comes out? Nightfall? Story missions? Other? With all the changes to the nightfall I'm no longer sure if completing it first thing is going to be necessary. Comment below! To all fellow Guardians: Good luck, have fun, and happy killings tomorrow![/quote] Go to work and cry that I start work exactly when it releases on the east coast.
Throw money at the screen while my titan ham(mer) it! Yeah,I know,I'm an idiot >_>
Work, then enter code, and not play pvp
In all honesty, I'm doing nothing. I'm going to wait this one out a few weeks to see if everyone else likes it.
Don't get off work till 230 with a 50 minute drive home then do homework till about 5-6 then probably some story missions or weekly shit like the strike or nightfall.
Level up and get down on the story. Pretty sure you can't do nightfall til level 36 or 40. I could be wrong. Freakin psyched tho!
Play metal gear solid cuz destiny is a disappointment and always will be :)
Work >_<
Wake up.