I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do first when TTK comes out? Nightfall? Story missions? Other?
With all the changes to the nightfall I'm no longer sure if completing it first thing is going to be necessary. Comment below!
To all fellow Guardians: Good luck, have fun, and happy killings tomorrow!
Love all the replies, some of you have some pretty 'interesting' agendas tomorrow!
Well first Ima get the new subclass for my hunter then probably finish my dead orbit quest
Story, then attempt to figure out my legendary and exotic weapon situation. Past that nightfall for sure.
Be depressed af cuz I moved so I can't play the content:/
Oh man I have no clue. Probably start the story after spending way too much time in the damn tower. Really want to start on the quest for the sleeper simulant but who knows. The hype is very real tho.
New sub class quest
Stop playing this game seeing how im being locked out of it.
Look at everything there is and decide on what needs to be done first....then jump in!!!
Hopefully do the subclass quest first so I can use my focused light and turn in my 16 bounties!
Tour the tour and vendors then jump straight into the story. As soon As I get the subclass quest I'll move onto that.
First i gotta go to work till 5:30pm :( Then go for a quick swim Have dinner afterwards and help the girlfriend prepare for her viva Then and only then will I have enough time to finally switch on the PS4 At last I can enjoy a couple of hours of Metal Gear Solid 5 :) Yep gonna have a good day tomorrow :) (Enjoy TTK! Let me know how it turns out!)
Probably regret everything I did today....
I'm gonna flip my strange coin and see if my prediction is right.
Same thing we do evry week try to take over the world lol
Wake up.
It depends. Usually with the release of new content (TDB and HoW), the nightfall was related to the release. Might need to do the story first before the nightfall.
Buy stuff.
Getting the game a midnight put it the Playstation 4, sleep, go to school, do b homework, play as long as possible
Edited by Player 2: 9/14/2015 3:42:35 PMDo the nightfalls with my warlock and hunters new subclasses then start a new titan and break the sun Edit: subclass quests firsts
Have a poo
Get up. Get in the shower. Get dressed. Go to work. Get home from work. Eat dinner. Enjoy the $40 I saved not buying TTK until something substantial changes.
Pick up my cloak of oblivion Marvel at my cloak of oblivion Take selfies with my cloak of oblivion Flaunt my cloak of oblivion Write poems about my cloak of oblivion Marry my cloak of oblivion Have children with my cloak of oblivion
Story with @DaMagykGowldFish
Well, since Nightfall will be locked, it will not be Nightfall until we level up. Probably, see what gear I can gather, turn in the stored xp gains in terms of bounties, pick up quests and bounties and start the grind towards the weekend for a blind run at the raid.
Sleep Wake up Go to gulag Come home to screaming kids and wife Beat on kids and wife Eat charred mammal flesh Guzzle mead Play TTK
Get my -blam!-ing burning hammer