originally posted in:The Vigil of Thunk
Hey everyone! I figured it would be cool if we all stated our plans for tomorrow, how we could or could not stay home from work/school and group making. This post can also be a way to try and find people for a King's Fall group. Just post your GT, Timezone, and who is on at similar times as you. Ex:
GT: MyPichu632
Timezone: Eastern
Play times:8pm+ for weekdays, weekends whenever.
Hope you guys/gals have a wonderful day, and Taken King HYPE!
I'm on now, ready to get this done
Random times during the week if at all. Usually on alot on weekends GT- KrudExKarmA Timezone- central
working :( will be on about 8pm BST (Noon PST / 3pm Eastern)
GT st3f3rnal Pacifitc standard time. Will be on at 2 am and most of the day tommorow!!