I'm not making a complaint, I love the balancing you've done the game feels new. But, what doesn't feel new is sun singers. Personally I feel that the sun singer is quite restricted in it's melee ability, because it only has one which is used and is effective, the flame shield. Personally I feel a fix for this issue is to rework the sun singer melee. This change I feel should be that the flame shield is innate to the melee and remove the burn effect. Then to compensate for this, flame shield's replacement should add a burn effect, as well as drop the numbers on flame shield. As well as try to fix solar wind, because I bet you didn't know that sometimes it doesn't work, and really isn't that impressive when it does. I feel that solar wind should be the "nope" button, you hit a person and send them far back. A fun buff for this would be that the knocked back staggers and does light damage to things it comes in contact with (excluding the melee user's team). Brimstone could have a larger blast area to make it more viable, and possibly leave a small, short lived sun spot?
However as I said, it's not a complaint about sun singers, or the warlock master race, just a suggestion on how to improve it.
TL;DR: Rework sun singer melee. Put flame shield as passive. Make burn an add on modifier. Fix solar wind. Buff brimstone.
Lol and while we are at it might as well proc wolf pack rounds from the melee and shoot auto tracking golden gun eye lasers. Bump so bungie can see. ,