You dont need to share gear across all three hunters to get to lvl 34 anymore dude, its all xp now.
This isn't going to stop me from having three hunters.
Whats the point though? I mean in year one you could use all three to do raids and get only hunter gear, effectively lvling your hunter faster, but lvling now is xp based not gear based, and im sure you will get plenty of drops to get your light lvl up without needing three toons. Know what I mean? By all means, its your game, im not saying people cant do things the way they want, it just doesnt make sense to me. Maybe if each toon uses a different subclass, each with their own gear. That might make SOME sense.
You can only pledge to one faction per week. That is enough for me to keep 3.
Lvl don't mean crap , its the light lvl you still gunna have that and that's what is all about and that's what it has always been about
Level doesn't matter in the long run. You're light level does. Level 34 is basically going to be the new level 20 if you think about it.
Lvl does matter, you cant equip the high light lvl gear until you get to 40.
My bad then, level 40 is basically going to be the new level 20. Now if you think about it, your light level will actually represent somewhere around 50ish when it's maxed out.