Back in my day, to make a ironic comment about how much better you were than Someone else in a game you would say "pwned" and call them a "noob"
Now everyone is like "Rekt" and "scrub" or "squeaker"
We used to ironically call people "L337" now they say things like "MLG" and "OP"
We didn't have lag switches, but we had "wall hacks" and "aim bots"
How else is your gamer culture changing from what it used to be to what it is now?
Ps this post was so hard to type on my phone due to all the autocorrect spelling my phone tried to make.
Edit: struck a very small and tender nerve with this thread. My app keeps sending me notifications non-stop
Back in the day my friends and I used to call them "bad kids" or "noob" we had insults for certain games as well like" mauler whore" for the kids who weren't good enough to out BR us on halo so they used mauler and gravham to get kills. I'm not even that old(21) but I can tell a lot of changes especially with the gaming industry getting seriously mainstream. Like when I was growing up i had like 4 friends playing H2 with and now every one I know has a gaming consol or PC.