I'm fed up with the unbalanced weapons in this game mainly exotics and people exploiting weapons that are random drops and are untrainable now.
Can we atleast get a bare bones mode where by we are given the same gear and weapons and it's based on pure skill rather then who is the best with -blam!-ing around with set ups and studying planet destiny for the best weapons to use ?
We need a bare bones mode this will end people moaning about nerfing weapons and others moaning about how they don't want it nerfed etc, give us a place where we can actually play like we did in the Beta test, give us the same gear to use in PVP which means everyone will be able to use the same gear and not be screwed over by weapons they can't get, how the hell do noobs play this game without exotics etc?
At least change that disgusting Iron banner which everyone hates but does it for the gear into this bare bones mode this makes more sense it's based on skill, why the hell is the iron banner based on gear level anyway that's so stupid?