This might be like wtf to some but let me explain
I believe all drugs should be decriminalized due to when did the government get the
Power to tell us what we can and can not put in out body's
I feel people should be able to smoke battery acid if they so please as long. As they are not hurting any one else who gives a shit
If we allow our government to keep this power they have over us we are nothing but slaves to the rich and powerful
Are we next going to let the government
Choose what kinda close we were
What kind of hair cut we must have
What jobs we are allowed to have
Who we are allowed to date
Who we can talk to
Who we can be friends with
Were we can go
Where we can live
J think the people need to wake up and take back the rights that's slowly being taken away
U want this country to be free
Not the illusion of being free
Hitler did it and he turned out fine
Hitler breathed too, does that mean I should be afraid to breathe? Word has it he also did this thing called eating food and drinking water... And that's as far as I feel like taking this sarcasm because this is just pointless, that's a straw man argument and means jack shit.
It's a joke not a argument Also, why be sarcastic about hitter raring food Of course he did that, along with drugs of course. But still he was pretty chill.
Portugal has a good model, check it out
Yes I love you, hope again at last!!
The love is mutual