I'm getting error code raptor. There is no definition on bungie's help for this. I'm not allowed to log in. Just further info. I have ps4 digital copy of destiny & ttk preorder. Downloaded update. Get error Raptor at login. Many attempt to login same error Raptor. Exit game many attempt to fresh login same Raptor. Deleted all destiny files redownloaded all destiny files some 32gb. After many attempts again same Raptor.Just further info. I'm located in sacramento California. Nat type 1.
Hi KeRoSeNe, The raptor error code indicates that the MTU setting on your console or router is incompatible with Destiny. You may want to adjust the setting. To do so on your PS4, go to Settings on the dashboard and then to Network settings. Click on Set Up Internet Connection and click through the menus until you reach the MTU Settings.