I'm completely confident nothing happens after death. It's like before you were born. Nothing.
And to answer your question, no I'm not worried. I wasn't worried that I wasn't conscious before being alive, why be worried to return to that state. You'll have no idea you're dead anyway. And you'll have no idea you were alive. Nothingness.
Enjoy life while you got it, no one gets out alive.
What's up
I'm going to screen shot
That's deep man.. I just don't want to believe that
I don't want to believe it either bro, it's not a pleasant thought. But it's liberating at the same time. You're free to do anything. Make mistakes, do what you want, chase your excitements, make an ass out of yourself. It doesn't matter. In death we lose memory, so even your worst choices will be forgotten in time.
That's a very depressing thing to believe in.