So recently i heard some rather disturbing facts. 23% of people on these forums have beaten Crota's on hard.
This leaves a staggering 77% of people who i would not feel comfortable gaming with for end game content.
Not to mention those who haven't downed Skolas
I've been labeled an elitists before and probably will be labeled the same again but I'd rather winners had my back as opposed to well... Losers.
Therefore Laurea Prima will be my gold standard for this year.
Edit: Thanks for all the support. Laurea Prima will be the one downing Oryx first! See all you champions on the Dreadnaught!
Edit: I've had many the conversation about how people have dropped Skolas and they wonder if that qualifies. In my eyes yes. Skolas is the most recent test of skill and therefore a good measurement.
Edit: You don't have to wear the badge to be Fireteam material. Just have it.
Edit: According to all those out there who "just dont care" to fight the bosses. In your world Skolas breaks free. Crota destroys the Earth, or Atheon rips the timeline in half. Why even play then?
Edit: This is not directed at those just picking up the game, as pointed out in the post, I'm disappointed by Year Ones and the general lack of motivation.
Edit: I was asked for an image of the emblem. [url=][/url] There it is in all it's glory.
I've gotten my challenges done
Can't wait to not be on your fireteam.
I would only team up with Laurea Prima emblem. It means you've finished year one and I can trust you to play well. The challenges weren't even hard... So if you couldn't complete it, then I'm sorry, I wouldn't trust you.
True. I'll be rocking this emblem alllllllll day long.
Im gonna have the bungie bounty and Laura Prime :D
It will be easier to distinguish who is good with light levels now.
Yup agreed. It's sad too many casuals.
Some people can't find teams to complete it because of people like you -_-
There's a difference between wanting experience and being a total dick. You crossed that line
How old are you? Their is no way you're older than 14. You sound like a complete jerk off. You have obviously never competed in anything other than video games if you have this approach towards a team game mode.
Same. If you're on ps4 I'd play with you.
You can literally two man hard crota with ease now. Really no excuse tbh
I have it, but a friend of mine doesn't. He has even more experience with it than I do. He just never bothered with Skolas because he had no reason to. He has solo'd Crota several times on hard pre HoW, and could probably beat you at plenty of things.
Tfw best friends from highschool fill my fire team so never have to worry. I feel sorry for people who are forced to go to web.
What so that means just because I haven't defeated skolas I'm a loser... your as bad as those people who only allowed 365 gjallerhorns...
Reading most of the posts below, I see a lot of skolas. But to me the emblem represents that you can do vog on hard. Which is still the more complicated and challenging activity. It's this that will shape my choice of people I will try kings fall with as they have the skill to learn strategy. Which is more indicative to me than level or even light as it stands now.
Prison of elders was boring. I don't think I have all the gold chests. I'm still going by grimoire score.
I don't feel comfortable gaming with someone with such a rotten elitist attitude. I have earned the emblem and plan to wear simply because I think it looks very cool. Not as some e-peen trophy.
I'm not even gonna bother with the golden chests.
Edited by tweeder87: 9/11/2015 9:42:28 PMTurtle
If your not good enough to either show people how to do it, or to do it yourself, then I think you should revise your opinions of others, as you will not be joining my fireteam.
I take a raid rookie through raids at least twice a week, if not more. Most people just need a patient fireteam leader whom explains things as you go. If you are so good, you should help the majority of the community out. It's a nice thing to do.
I completed my moments of triumph but I can't find the emblem
Edited by Shaft62702: 9/11/2015 10:41:27 PMThis is stoopid. Why would i waist my time gettin gold chess's and pubic events. Dummist posts I ceen yet.
I disagree. The only reason that I haven't downed Skolas is that due to my 'real life', I have neither the time or motivation to spend 3 to 4 hours going through a mission with terrible rewards to earn a bland emblem. And you call me a loser? Get a life nerd.