The factions always kinda existed, some even from before the Collapse. In the City Age, factions vying for power nearly brought the City to its knees before the Consesus was formed. Now three factions at a time are allowed in the Tower to support Guardians, though they also have secret agendas
Wow awesome dude! What is the difference between the three factions and why would a guardian choose allegiance to them?
Dead Orbit believes the City is a death trap, and wants to escape the system with a Fleet. New Monarchy wants to replace the Consensus with a single figure holding absolute power. Future War Cult believes that the future is only war, and we must prepare for it.
Monarchy isent like that. Monarchy is having a central point to a leadership. I live in britan. Does the queen have absolute power? .
Well first off your own Queen is but a figurehead with no real power anymore since you're a democratic society now. If u go back in your own history to King George or the like, they very much had absolute power. It's whether or not they abused it
The magna carter changed that.
Yes in 1215, but before that and in other countries the King could do as he pleased. Hell I'm sure English Kings still did. There was just now a legal recourse for the more common folk. But the Magna Carta was a big step in the direction of modern democracy
If you read the Ghost Fragment: New Monarchy card, you'll see that what I'm saying is true
BUNGIE IS XENOPHOBIC! sorry, I had to say that.