The titan killed crota in there fireteam many of you wouldn't of completed crota the first few weeks without a hunter.
Hes right, face it
First time I beat Crota we had a Warlock running the sword.
Hahaha true story,true story
I have killed crota way more on my titan as sword bearer. The titan is the first that I soloed crota on as well.
Actually the 'blink strike' move wasnt invented until about a month after launch of Crota. Most teams used titans for their Higher jump to get to Crota's platform from the floor, instead of the rock. Invigorate who completed it first, used a Titan, and Datto's prime guard team who came 3rd also used a Titan. (I don't know what prime-guard 1 used)
I used the blink strike technique week one of crota then I found out few weeks later people didn't know it
Not including the best of the best destiny players when it cane down to us doing it as a population hunters were used....
No. The 'blink strike' method only came out in January. It wasnt popular until the launch of hard mode. The 'first weeks' were done on titans and warlocks
No it wasn't i joined loads of teams and the only guys wanted were hunters first week was just cheese