Rift is a broken game mode simply because all you need to do to win is camp the other teams spawn. Even if all 6 opposing guardians are in you spawn you will still spawn near them and they will crush you one at a time as your team respawns. Fix spawning or never succeed Bungie. If you are going to have a game mode like rift you will need to implement something like team fortress for spawns, otherwise it will be an epic failure. I bet your data will show more mercy rules in rift than in any other game mode.
Agreed, personally I also feel rift would benefit from a tweak to both supers and heavy, a certain part of me thinks maybe round based game mode with heavy spawns only once and massively reduced rate of charge on supers so deploying a super at the right time is key.
All of Crucible is trash, lag out the ass, red and yellow bar enemies are bullet sponges. Why anyone takes it seriously is beyond me. I played rift yesterday. And when I mean played, I mean AFK/dance for free legendary marks!
Spawn killing is an issue in all crucible modes. Team know them and camp them. Bungie won't fix it. I played all of year one and had to put up with it.
I see mercy the most im control
I beg to differ. Its fun.
I don't think it's broken at all, but then again I run with a team of six and we try to spawn trap and mercy you in 3 minutes. If you run with a full team you should not get trapped.
Honestly the only thing that ruins rift for me is the fact that Titans don't have blink
Just played my first Rift game (and Destiny after a long absence) and it was just the other team camping my teams spawn.
Is this all people do is bitch about the game
Rift should be 4v4
The game mode is already a success. You're good at being unnecessarily negative.
gr8 b8 m8 I appreci8 your h8 but this isn't up for deb8 so quit h8ing m8
The only thing I agree with is the Spawn+Delay, but as you are aware I'm sure another update is coming on the 15'th I personally love the new Game mode.
I agree with some of what you said. You might be a little over board. Thing is if you have two or three bad players on your team then you will lose... just sucks. Even if I get 30 kills we still lose. I can't get any better than this if those two guys just keep dieing.
So much lag
To many shotguns. I rage when they camp the rift with shotgun
...rift is a joke..'red rover, come on over'.. ..how bout a full~on 3rd eye with some REAL data to increase the crucible experience.. ..and stop nerfing shit~just add another ikea weapon to show thx to us full year players.. ..tie ins with red bull and super bowl~money grubbers.. ..bungie screwed the pooch
Edited by LosGatoTejas: 9/11/2015 3:23:20 AMI agree. I posted on this the first day and Cozmo moved it to a different forum, so I know it was read. Great concept. More team based strategy. Need way bigger maps, even weapons, no heavy. And no iNdividual k/d stats. The first day after the patch, people were spawn killing. No rift goals scored. All kills for points. How disappointed I was to see it was just a deathmatch game. Then they say "get gud scrub". Lol
When my teams spawn is over ran I often spawn near heavys sometimes in the middle of enemies but that's kind of the objective of rift to secure safety for your spark runner I've found ways to turn it around for a little bit harder if not everyone pulls their weight
Because it lags horrifically.
Seems fine. They just need to raise the final score requirement.
Snipe fest day3
The entire crucible is a broken game mode