simple, what voice(actor, famous person,entity) would you like so much that you would pay to have your ghost sound like them. I personally picked Scarlett from the movie "Her".
Edit 1- ok we've had some good ones that have literally made me lol, the reoccurring ones seem to be John Cena, Snoop dogg and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Edited by RandomCanadianEH: 9/17/2015 11:53:00 AMEither Atnold Schwarzenegger or James Earl Jones. Gordon Ramsay would be pretty funny, too. "Way to go, you f*ck up, now we are at war with the Cabal"
Mike Tyson would be great
Samuel Jackson
Jaleel White in his urkel voice
Kendrick Lamar
Anyone besides Nolan North!
Tony Stark's Jarvis would be pretty cool.
I'd like Anna Paquin to voice it. Don't know why I thought of her, I just think her voice overs in true blood and her voice are neat and would fit.
Peter dinklage
Napoleon Dynamite or KITT from Knightrider.
Why can't I have regular Tom Hanks
Slim Jesus
Cartman (Southpark) or Stewie (Family Guy) Don't know their real names sorry.
Tom Hanks (saving private ryan)
Sheldon Cooper
Brian Blessed
Kevin hart
Chris tucker
Tim curry
Chris tucker, i win
I voted for Morgan Freeman but once I saw other I changed it to Tim Dadabo aka the original Ghost, 343 Guilty Spark
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Cecil baldwin
Micheal jones
Keanu Reeves