I've got nothing more to say. I'm just sad. This was so much fun and now it's a Sinking Ship and we're patching the holes with bubble gum.
Year 2 might be the last year if this keeps up. #bummer
All the new nerfs [spoiler]I am happy about Hand Canon Nerf[/spoiler] just slow tHis progress down. Orb generation / blink... I'm worried this game is going to get nerfed right out of my PlayStation.
I'm happy auto rifles are sort of back. It's not quite there but it's better than it was.
If you want to say I'm complaining go ahead. The veterans here know this is a problem.
I'm happy with this game. I think it's great. They have done an exceptional job!
They need to leave it alone now before it gets worse.
If they don't patch after this I will be fine with that.
I'll except it for what it is.
What in gods name is so terrible about this patch to you that you now think something has been ruined?