I've been playing a lot of older titles. I haven't been interested too much in recent releases, and I personally [i]need[/i] to play games.
I'm currently playing through Persona 3 FES and Final Fantasy 8. I had just finished Persona Q and I tried Monster Hunter 4, but it was meh.
So, what are you currently playing? How far are you into this playthrough? Is it your first playthrough?
I took a break from Destiny about the time they announced that year one weapons weren't ascending. Figured there was no point. So I went back to borderlands 2 cause I never had a real chance to play it. I found out that I just enjoy this game! So much to it and I'm not even close to the first play through. I bought GOTY and for $20 it was a steal. I downloaded the Destiny patch and didn't even bother to log into the game to check out the changes. Its going to be hard to put this game down over Destiny right now.