originally posted in:Solar Wind Stream
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1225013]Solar Wind Stream [WIND][/url]
A PS3 Destiny community dedicated to all aspects of Destiny gameplay including but not limited to PvE, PvP (Crucible), Faction, Material and Reputation Farming, Patrols/Strikes/Raids, and new game modes like Trials and PoE as they are rolled out.
A good match for the clan would be a player who plays consistently every week, someone who is helpful and willing to spend time on the Bungie forums helping people, and plans to play Destiny through it's full lifecycle.
Recruiting Now - please consider joining the clan and/or the group!
[b](click the link at the top of the post to join the clan)[/b]
I need some buddies I'm down to join
Hey whats up guardians im down to join your empire add me dimz_25 on ps3 need help doing raids but I'm a pretty good player in general 295 light hunter
I would like to join on for most of the week use manly warlock. Can do crota vog and Poe haven't done kings falls because haven't had the fireteam to do it.
PSN: Kratos_is_God_92 I have a 40 hunter at 280 light (main) and a warlock and Titan that still need some work. I am on at least every weekend and sometimes during the week. All my friends that play Destiny are all on ps4, so having a group to play with would improve the overall experience significantly. I hope you'll have me!
Hey. Demigod257 here (PS3) I'm a daily player, 40 all three classes, King's Fall ready on Hunter (main) and Warlock, do Crucible/IronBanner/Trials (gone flawless once because why do it more than once). Have a mic, active for Crucible/Court of Oryx/Raids most afternoons and nights, active on Destiny App, write up subclass guides and more. So if you will have me and are an active clan then I'll join
I was looking for a clan to help in the raids, heroic missions, nightfall, and help in getting black splinder. Thanks Triton1313 - Warlock, 40, 292 light
Edited by youtube: 10/19/2015 1:28:14 AMPSN: DragonLordFang I have been hoping for a clan like this one, just never found it. I play every weekend for sure, and always have time to do raids and other activities. I'm more of a PvE player, but I'm pretty decent in the crucible as well. Titan 295 Light
I would like to join :) My name is Jay-Food
Need 2 for oryx cp add Sebastian--29 , SUPER_EAGLE , Big_Jorge_ Please Know what to do (Just Pick A Name)
I would like to join PSN: NFSXcharger lvl 40 hunter light 294 i am a college student but i get on during my free time
Please add me. AuzziXBlade 40 Warlock 251 light
Please add me mrdeeme_2
I want to join this clan Psn is mittosmcswag I play everyday,lv40 light280
Hey guys I would like to join the clan. Joined the group etc but didn't get an invite or anything (I'm new to the app and clans) I'm lvl 40 Titan with 245 light and will to become stronger muahahaha.
I would like to join aswell, 16 year old gamer, 285 light (warlock), I play literally everything, I need help on stuff but i'm also happy to help in any way I can. Add me, name is same on psn. Thank you for taking your time in reading this.
I have oryx cp. Need 5 with experience 295+
Hey looking to join. Psn: CraigumisPrime
Hey I want to join, I need to do some raids and trials My psn is the same
I'm so tired of playing solo... Can I join? :3