>0 good exclusives
>can only name halo
>I can name
The Last Guardian
Uncharted 4
Horizon Zero Dawn
No Man's Sky(timed)
Call of Duty Timed exclusives
Destiny Timed exclusives
For me, the Xbox really only has Halo and Gears of War, and halo is going downhill....
Don't forget the Last of Us
No shit it's going downhill, did you see the latest trailer? #badjokes
Halo 4 and the halo 5 beta wasn't proof enough that it's going downhill? Really?
I didn't like Halo 4 as a halo game(part of the reason 5 isn't quite enough to get me buying an Xbox just yet, I'll wait for Fable 4 if it ever comes) and I haven't seen much of 5. I was making a bad joke about the fact that the trailer or cinematic/wutever that came out recently was literally them running down a mountain full speed shooting shit.
With final fantasy 15 and kingdom hearts 3 coming out, you might want to wait even longer.
Edited by Master Chief is better: 9/10/2015 4:12:04 AMBloodborne is the only good one
That's your opinion. I for one, love Zelda and SoTC, so The Last Guardian should be amazing.
Forgot the last of us
I don't play that type of game.
Still an amazing game
[quote]>0 good exclusives >can only name halo >I can name The Last Guardian Bloodborne Uncharted 4 Horizon Zero Dawn No Man's Sky(timed) Call of Duty Timed exclusives Destiny Timed exclusives For me, the Xbox really only has Halo and Gears of War, and halo is going downhill....[/quote]