I was extremely happy to see that exotic armors changed colors based off of what shader you had on. I had faith that Bungie would do this eventually but only to see my favorite armor piece couldn't be upgraded. Will they eventually add more year 1 weapons and armor to be upgraded? Post what you think and if you have an armor piece or weapon that won't be here for the taken king!
I wish they'd upgrade the dual nade chest.
what about the hunters? the hunters literally got NO good exotics through all of them are shit
I was so stoked about that, the color changing exotics i mean. Glasshouse looks sick with the minimalist shader. But supposedly, they will be adding more later, which is still highly disappointing because Armamentarium is what i use most.
It might be, in the future. Bungie said more year one exotics shall be upgraded over time, just not all when Taken King lauches:
In future.
It's not being upgraded