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Edited by Radster859: 9/10/2015 12:24:50 PM

Breaking News: Bungie Stoops to New Lows

Well, it isn't really "breaking news". The entire year, Bungie has been treating the community like shit and now that the new exotics have been released (along with the patch notes), I'm not sure I want to play Destiny anymore. The game had so much promise, but I might just have to move on to ARK or whatever they are cooking up at Highwire Games. Below are my 3 reasons to quit Destiny. Look at bottom for the gist. [b]1.[/b] Overpriced DLC: My first reason has to do with the price of the game. In addition to selling us an incomplete game for 60$, Bungie regularly asks for 20-40$ to stay in the game. These "DLC's" make previous content obsolete and force players to change their weapons to crappy year two weapons with terrible perks (Battle Runner on an exotic!?!). In fact, Bungie goes so far that they have to NERF all the previous perks to make the new and "improved" ones look good. So why don't they just add new, better weapons that people WANT to play with? It's anybody's guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Another thing that bothers me greatly is that Bungie is locking people out of content that THEY PAID FOR unless they get the DLC. People won't be able to do Nightfalls or Weeklies anymore unless they spend 40$! This is unfair and really shouldn't be legal! [b]2.[/b] Bungie Throws Veterans under the bus: Ok, so we get a shader, an "upgraded sparrow" and an emblem. SO WHAT! Bungie has frequently offered the game at a reduced price for NEW PLAYERS ONLY! And they make old players feel like the hundreds of hours that they poured into the game were useless because all their old gear became that. I understand that the games price will decrease over time, but people don't want to play a premium for a game where they will be set back to square one each and every expansion. Also, the VIP rewards are obtainable of you pre-order TTK and get to level 20 before it is released (which isn't hard to do). This makes the VIP rewards feel useless and not very special because someone could obtain them if they got a copy of TTK and played a decent amount of time. [b]3.[/b] Post what you think your 3rd reason would be! If you don't agree with my sentiments, then post why you are not quitting Destiny! [b]The Gist:[/b] Bungie has lied to the fanbase, made weapons obsolete to make the new ones seem ok (at best), and they have overpriced their DLC. They also treat the Veteran players like crap and "listen to the community". I DARE Cozmo to respond to this. [b]Edit 1:[/b] When I tried to post #bumpfortruth as a tag, it wouldn't let me. Makes you think... [b]Edit 2:[/b] I'm seeing some very insightful comments, keep them coming! [b]Edit 3:[/b] I'll try to respond to everyone's comments, it may take a while though [b]Edit 4:[/b] Over 200 comments and #3 on trending! Keep Bumping! [b]Edit 5:[/b] Over 300 comments!

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  • I laughed my ass off last night. Fired up Destiny on my PS4, downloaded the update, and went out into the small, confined "wilds" of Destiny. I had my trusty 365 Vision of Confluence (now nerfed down to 165 or something like that), and the Field Scout Perk... why even bother to keep this Perk on the weapon, Bungie? I mean really, if it doesn't increase the magazine size, what's the goddamn point? And the Perfect balance Perk!? You dropped down its benefit by almost [b]HALF[/b] of what it was. So a "perfectly balanced" weapon could still have stability issues? Do you morons even have a -blam!-ing clue what you're doing? (obviously not...) Then I tried Pulse Rifles, Sniper Rifles (Ice Breaker and the Black Hammer are -blam!-ing [b]SHADOWS[/b] of the weapons that they were two days ago...), Gjallarhorn (RiP), and the list goes on. When firing from the hip, The Last Word was still somewhat useful in PvE. Run up on some enemies, unload the clip, profit. After 2.0? -blam!-ing [b]DREGS[/b] are an issue when using TLW. This new weapon imbalance is so bad, I really did laugh. It is such a waste of time that it brought real humor to think that you guys at Acti$hit/Bungle still think that this game is quality or even a serious attempt at a competitive shooter. Seriously, Bungle. Are the weapons you've designed and made for TTK [b]that horrible[/b] that you have to destroy everything fun left in Destiny in order to make them seem relevant!? They must be that bad because you've had to eviscerate every -blam!-ing weapon in the game to prepare for the new stuff to drop on people... If nothing else, you've proven one thing very, very well. That is merely a flaccid shadow of the talented developers that made Halo with Old Bungie. You've very well proven that the developer that made Halo has died a gruesome death, and only a shallow shell of that once-great developer remains. I laughed as I removed Destiny from my disc drive, and chuckled as I placed that same disc underneath my mug of coffee. Because with Weapon Imbalance 2.0, that's all destiny is good for now. Use as a colorful coaster. If you get [b]any[/b] good reviews over this update, it will be because you [b]paid[/b] for those kind words. No one in their right mind would give Weapon Imbalance 2.0 a "thumbs-up" unless they're on your payroll. Vampire, out.

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