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9/9/2015 12:13:09 PM

Farewell, old friend

Patch 2.0 has arrived, marked the beginning of year two. Lots of things change. The game icon for example, is awesome, the musics is epic, quests flooded my quest page. I can sense happiness among the guardians, yet fear for oryx. But, there's me, happy but sad at the same time. Why you may ask? Here, let me told ya. Year one was epic, filled with awesome adventure and full of danger. Im here to told you this story because my gear kept me alive. I can tell you thousands of stories when my guns saved me. But now, its just a memory. When the taken king drops, new rare gears will replace my old "friends". The geleon's demise, felwinter's lie, and the most hard to let go, the legendary gjallarhorn. In past few weeks, I've tried to spent more time with them, now, only few days until TTK drops. They saved my life everytime, they knew me like i knew them. They watched my back when my fireteam isn't there for me, they brought me to the 1st place in most of crucible games, they made me earned 27 sc per week. Now, i just play with them until ttk drops. Hope they will stay in my heart forever while they'll gather dust in the vault. Maybe, other guardian feels the same, hard to let it go. But the revolution is here, I'll take what häkke is offering. Goodbye old friends, may the travelers light always be with you, you may rest in peace now and watch me conquer the dreadnought and defeat oryx. Soldiers, you're free of duty. Hope i can hold you again later. -R.I.P: Gjallarhorn, geleon's demise, skorri's revenge, fatebringer, felwinter's lie, found verdict

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